Knowband Blog | Ecommerce Modules

5 Site Elements that can Disappoint your E-Commerce Customers

There are numerous eCommerce sites but not everyone is making significant gains in terms of product sales, site traffic and conversion rates. You may have wondered that why there is a huge disparity as some of the eCommerce stores like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Flipkart and such others are making billions of dollars while others are struggling hard to make sales and post profits. There is definitely something which they might be lacking or may not be doing correctly for making their presence felt in the international business scenario. Let us throw some light on these 5 site elements that can be a major “turn off” for your targeted customers and are affecting your sales activity drastically.

1. Absence of a logical and appealing headline-

Headlines are the first element that grabs the immediate attention of your targeted customers, so they needs to be eye catchy and engaging. If your heading seems interesting to your targeted customers, it will surely grab their attention and will help in boosting your eCommerce conversion rates significantly. You need to understand that “What starts well is what ends well”, so don’t take headings as lightly.

2. Inappropriate product margins-

Business entities are working with the sole intention of grabbing maximum sales and profit margins in order to stay active in this crucial competitive environment. Make a detailed analysis of your operating cost and other related expenses for pricing your product effectively for getting significant profit margins. If you can’t price your product effectively, you can’t win this decisive battle of conversion rates and product sales among your targeted customers. Moreover, there are eCommerce extensions like Magento Scratch Coupon, Magento Master Deal, PrestaShop Price Alert, OpenCart Make an Offer, OpenCart Review Incentive, OpenCart Push Cart Promotion, OpenCart Deal Timer and others from Knowband store that can help in improving your product sales, profit margins and conversion rates.

3. You are applying everything at the top of your page-

Your home page is not your “experimentation ground” where you can apply different site elements for testing their effectiveness among your site visitors. You need to include only relevant elements on the top part of your home page for getting instant customer attention. Based on the importance of your site elements, you need to decide whether your site elements needs to be above or below the fold for making maximum conversions and seamless site navigation. Further, there are PrestaShop addons like PrestaShop Custom CSS and JS, PrestaShop Maintenance page customizer and others that can help in effective organization and maintenance of your eCommerce store.

4. Presence of multiple options-

It is rightly said that “Too many cooks spoil the broth”, similarly availability of multiple options affects the decision making process to a great extent. Include only popular and relevant options in fields like shipping services, payment options and delivery time and other such factors in order to attract your customers and not distract them. It has been shown by several case studies and analytical reports that too much options are one of the prime reasons for low conversions and sales as they don’t allow visitors to take the required actions.

5. You are neglecting appealing product images and videos-

Simple plain texts are not appealing for everyone and there are numerous people who want more in the form of appealing images and informative videos. Store owners can drive huge sales and traffic if they are using eye catchy images and videos that are optimized and does not slow down the performance of your store. Apart from this, you can take the help of an effective eCommerce module development services that can help in improving the worth and appeal of your site content through numerous wonderful plugins.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a novice or experienced player in this eCommerce business segment, all these site elements can definitely affect your eCommerce business fortunes to a great extent. For making a strong impact in your business segment, you need to make drastic improvements in the following areas at the earnest level.

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