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Ecommerce Marketing Calendar 2021- Optimize your Website for Holidays

We are stepping into 2021 and leaving behind the so-called cursed year 2020. Businesses have high hopes for the upcoming year and a successful business year; you need to have a solid marketing plan.

Statista research estimates that by 2021 eCommerce revenue will account for 17.5 percent of global retail sales. It is more critical than ever that eCommerce companies refine their strategy and concentrate on key revenue generation cycles.

With all the important dates in mind, you can schedule your marketing efforts early and use them to maximize your sales potential. Every holiday is an opportunity to drive sales, so to help you get a jump start planning your holiday campaigns this year we’ve put together a list of the most popular U.S. and European holidays so you can schedule your marketing in advance.

Attach these dates to your eCommerce marketing calendar 2021 and use our suggested ideas and promotional checklist to make this your most successful year ever!


Jan 1- New Year’s Day

People make New Year’s resolutions. There are generally assurances to themselves that they will make a difference in their own lives. Popular New Year resolutions to avoid smoking or consuming alcohol, lose weight, to exercise more, or to live a healthy lifestyle.

To attract customers to your store during New Year, you can run Instagram challenges and contests. People make fitness resolutions so include this in your New Year marketing strategy.

Running a winter sale can be a good idea as well.


Feb 14- Valentine’s Day

The beginning of the spring cleaning is recognized in February. Use this time to give your customers to order themes or items that serve freshness and cleanliness.

For the month when love is in the air, allure Your Audience with email marketing campaigns.

Manage a love theme contest on social media using the required #hashtags in your messages and bring a romantic touch to your social media coverage and profile photos. Run Valentine’s Day theme promotion with taglines ‘Buy two for one’. Also, build a Valentine’s Day gift guide.

Best Instagram Hashtags to Use This Holiday Season


Mar 1- St. David’S Day (Celebrated in Wales)

St David’s Day is an ideal opportunity for Welsh companies to tap into national pride through their marketing.

It’s a day to celebrate all things Welsh – not just leeks, daffodils, cricket, choirs, and harpists.

Create your brand and reward your customers with some Welsh-made toiletries, clothing, or a coupon to a Welsh attraction.

Giving your customers a time scale will speed up their decision-making process. Ensure that this deal is widely advertised in the days leading up to St. David’s Day.

Mar 4- World Book Day

Customers love a good book reference. Books make an assortment of innovative designs that fans will love.

Please make sure to keep this under the copyright and trademark rules!

Plan a book giveaway on your online store on this special day.

Mar 17- St. Patrick’s Day

Just when you’re finally out of your winter holiday slump, Daylight Saving Time is catching all of us looking for a nap.

While no amount of coffee will help you prepare for the coming month, I did share a few marketing ideas below to get you started.

Mar 20- Spring Equinox

Marketers will reach customers during the Spring Equinox through advertisements about new beginnings, increased daylight, and spring holidays.

Typically, campaigns to bid farewell to the cold winter months and to welcome the beautiful spring season are common.


The weather is getting sunnier and the excitement is beginning for the season. Many consumers would like to take advantage of the first hours of sunlight and be inspired online in advance.

Various marketing campaigns are acceptable in this case.

For example, you can put together appropriate items in your online shop or publish blog posts that encourage your customers to invest their springtime. You can prepare your store for the wedding season.

April 1- April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day is another chance to connect with your audience and demonstrate the personality of your company.

Build a marketing plan for April Fool’s Day that’s playful and amusing to promote sharing so you can get the brand in front of a wider audience.

Then make sure that you convert new tourists to your website with a convincing holiday offer.

April 4 – Easter Sunday

Easter is a good time for you to be imaginative. Use the season to advertise your goods, engage your digital audience, bring your consumers back to your brand, and also collect data!

Organize a big egg hunt in your shop! How is that? Generate unique codes, print on chocolate eggs, and hide them in your shop.

Then ask your customers to locate the eggs and enter their unique code to access your online campaign.

Beyond the colorful hard-boiled eggs, there are several other Easter meals that we will enjoy. Inspire your users by offering them suggestions for Easter dinner recipes

April 22 – Earth Day

There are several things you can choose to give away that are reusable.

On, we have a whole section dedicated to eco-friendly goods and perfect for promoting your company.

During Earth Day Week, give away an object that your customers can love and value.

For example, if you’re a small grocery store, replace those plastic bags with tote bags for a limited period.

Show your customers the alternatives for plastic bags.

Make your offer exclusive that day only by providing a discount on products that are made from recycled or renewable materials.

23 April- St. George’s Day

The day is celebrated in London and many events take place all across the city.  It is the day of the patron saint of England. Legend has it that he killed a dragon, but the mystery remains where he found one here in Blighty.

It’s an opportunity to indulge consumers with classic comfort food, celebrate the richness of the British palate, and exploit St George’s marketing potential to promote your company.


May 9- Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is when we all express gratitude for our mothers, and when it comes to giving a gift, it’s a big holiday for e-commerce.

Whether or not your goods make perfect gifts to mothers, you can always take the opportunity to show love to mothers everywhere by wishing them well on this day.

You can sell custom personalized gifts in your store. The print and gift ideas are super attractive. Use ……………….. module for adding this to your store.

May 9- Europe Day

Robert Schuman, a former French statesman, and activist brought the idea of Europe Day to life. It celebrates peace and unity in Europe, mostly through political debates and events to raise awareness of the role and history of the European Union.

To celebrate, promote European-themed designs or launch a free shipping campaign to Europe.

May 20 – Shopware Community Day in Duisburg, Germany

Instant wins are useful to improve your interaction with your audience exponentially. But they are also useful for gathering data and newsletters!

May 25 – National Wine Day

Wine lovers are all over the world. National Wine Day is to pour a glass of your favorite chardonnay or Bordeaux, and there’s no doubt that your adult customers will appreciate it as well.

It’s a good day to offer foodies and wine lovers gifts such as embroidered aprons. Don’t forget to send thank you cards to your Zoom dinner guests!

May 31- Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a public holiday in the United States to recognize and commemorate those who have lost their lives in the United States Armed Forces.

Be vigilant when setting up Memorial Day campaigns. Before you share your discount code or social media update, take a moment to re-evaluate the tone and essence of your promotion.


We’re halfway through the year. This means it’s time for heatwaves, #RadDadsSquad pictures, rainbow flags in shop windows, and the summer getaways.

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12 Jun- Queen’s Birthday

Queen’s Birthday is celebrated in the UK on the second Saturday of June, so the Trooping of the Color in London can take place in the warmer summer season.

The event is known by consumers not only nationally, but across the entire commonwealth and beyond. It’s also attracting a major celebrity.

For this purpose, it is useful for small and medium-sized companies to use the event as a marketing tool to increase revenue goals.use patriotic colors such as the red, white, and blue of the Union Jack and offer discounts on the store. Also, you can run video ads to promote your products with the flag colors. Add extra vibes to the celebration!

Jun 20- Father’s Day

Like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day is a major day for e-commerce companies. Sales of athletic products and consumer electronics are on Father’s Day, but if you’re not in this niche, you’re going to have to be imaginative enough to get that slice of pie.

Otherwise, just make sure you show your appreciation for your fathers on this special day.


July 4- Independence Day

Often widely known as the 4th of July, Independence Day is a holiday where Americans enjoy the day with friends and relatives.

No other holiday puts Americans together like the 4th of July. Try to liven up your June and July campaigns with some patriotic spirit. If you are selling items with U.S.-themed designs, be sure to promote them just in time for this holiday.

Though it’s not a major shopping day, it’s a perfect excuse to boost sales before the holidays come.


Suitable decorations and costumes are a must for the autumn season. Prepare your shop and put home a warm feeling to your clients.

For example, you can highlight relevant products in your shop or write unique blog posts for your customers.

Aug 19- World Photography Day

Why not include art lovers on your potential client list.

It’s a day to celebrate photography and all the talented photographers around the world. It’s a good day to support wall art and inspire your creative customers to share their art on social media.


Sept 6- Labor Day

Labor Day is a day that many Americans are looking forward to so they will enjoy a 3-day weekend. Although Labor Day isn’t usually a major shopping holiday, you can use it as an opportunity to keep your brand top of mine.

Wish your audience a happy holiday or even give them a discount on any leftover inventory you want to clear up before the winter.


Oct 31- Halloween

The spooky Halloween month is here. Get involved in the Trick-or-Treat Night of your Community.

You can run a costume contest and team up on a good cause. Make sure you’re decorating your store in the theme. You can add fun elements to your store that have custom theme options.

Use the limited time offer to entice customers and send the interactive direct mail promotion out. Also, create the spooky theme email series.

This Holiday Season, launch Spin-wheel integrated PrestaShop Mobile App to boost sales


Nov 5- Guy Fawkes Day

When things get more competitive, marketers spend more on Halloween and Bonfire Night campaigns that kick off the winter shopping season.

Organize a classic giveaway where you invite people to actively engage with your brand in exchange for the competition. The idea is to widen your reach, increase brand awareness, and engage with a broader audience.

You don’t need an especially strong connection to the night of bonfire or its associated themes to pull this off either.

Nov 11- Veterans Day

On Veterans Day celebration, people thanks to all the military members who have served in the United States.

It’s a day to celebrate, not to commercialize, so be careful of your campaigns if you don’t want them to turn into a PR nightmare.

Nov 25- Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving, celebrated nationally, began as a harvest festival when the first pilgrims shared their food with the native Americans. Today, families and friends come together for a meal to offer thanks for what they’ve got.

This day is a wonderful time to stop for a moment and appreciate what you’ve got. Many organizations use this day to thank their customers for their support.

Nov 26- Black Friday

Black Friday is the day that customers in America are synonymous with the best sales and discounts. No matter what items you sell, you can still take part in a Black Friday sale.

As customers expect major discounts on this day, make sure you put a lot of thought and preparation into your marketing strategies to make them successful.

Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) Marketing Ideas and Strategies to scale-up your Holiday Sales

Nov 29- Cyber Monday

Monday after Black Friday, known as Cyber Monday, is the biggest online holiday ever. In recent years, consumers have been shopping more on Cyber Monday, and retailers are providing far greater discounts than on Black Friday.


Dec 25- Christmas Day

These dates are a religious and cultural holiday for the billions of people around the world who commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas may become more commercial every year, but it’s still a family holiday, so focus your marketing strategies on heart-warming ideas and wishes.

Dec 26- Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a pleasure to celebrate as people around the world love getting to unpack all the presents and boxes they got on Christmas.

The day is also known as the Black Friday Sale of Shopping Geeks, and this day you will watch some of the best sales of the year.

Public holidays, followed by shopping, are a perfect opportunity for people looking to make the most out of the festival season.

Dec 31- New Year’s Eve

Celebrate the upcoming year with your existing and potential customers. Since they will be entering the New Year, they have a motive to celebrate.

Take the advantage of this glorifying night for your business and make the best out of it.

Plan it well. Run special discounts on various gift items, drinks, and food.

Have a Happy New Year!

Conclusion: Every holiday or big event is an opportunity to increase your brand awareness and boost sales, so use it to your advantage. You need to start scheduling the holiday marketing plans ahead of time to see the results.

ECommerce can provide a lifeline to many businesses, enabling them to continue to operate and tap into rising customer demand for online shopping. Retailers will have to change their approach to continue to gain sales in this difficult period.

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