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Google Penguin 4.0 is live with real-time core algorithm

After a long time, the Google Penguin Update 4.0 is live now. Google has officially confirmed the Penguin 4.0 update on Google webmaster blog. Some people are calling it Google Penguin 4.0 or the real time Penguin. All these names signify the new nature of Penguin. Its really been a while since Google came up with Penguin 3.0 in 2014. This time, the update carries a tweak as you do not have to wait for more Penguin updates now. Yes, its real time now, and is the part of Google’s core algorithm. Now your “disavow file” will play a crucial role.

Here are some special tweaks that Google has come up with:

The update is live, but it is still in rolling out phase. So, you might not see its full impact as of now. Hopefully, this won’t take long.

The real time System of Penguin 4.0 –

Penguin becoming a part of Google’s core algorithm was more of an unconfirmed rumor as of now. But, now it’s clear like crystal that you don’t have to wait for next Penguin update to recover your rank if you get penalized by the update. With Penguin becoming real time, Google has confirmed that changes and refreshing of rankings would become more faster now. Earlier, you had to wait for Penguin 4.0 if you were once penalized by Penguin 3.0.

Penguin now devalues spam-

The penalties form Google will now be based on spam signals, rather than affecting the whole website. In my perception, I think the evaluation would be now more page by page rather than punishing the whole website for spammy pages.

Past Penguin updates

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