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Top Strategies to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

The abandonment of shopping carts at the checkout is a behavior that is all too common among online customers in the eCommerce field these days. Furthermore, it is severely reducing retail revenues, creating a loss for the website owners. As a result, many retailers have made reducing cart abandonment a top priority. The good news is that there are several strategies and methods for personalization that drastically cut down on cart abandonments and increase conversions.

eCommerce merchants should start by actively measuring and analyzing shopping cart abandonment. Moreover, it is important to decrease cart abandonment and increase sales and returns. Differentiating between cart abandonment and checkout abandonment has proven to be successful for many retailers. While checkout abandonment refers to customers who left the merchant’s website while the checkout process was still in progress, cart abandonment refers to customers who abandoned their shopping carts but had not yet started the checkout process. In both cases, cart abandonment occurs and the purchase is not complete.

Useful Strategies to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Email Follow-Ups

Email follow-ups are very important for reaching out to customers who are abandoning the cart but are not on the website. The email follow-ups act as a reminder that the purchase was not completed for the product that was in the cart. The customers sometimes add the product to the cart and forget to complete the purchase. Additionally, this makes it possible that they will remember the purchase and come back to complete it. The abandoned cart plugin is very useful in such cases, as it is for reaching out to customers who are not completing the order. The email templates that the admin sends are fully customizable, and this Follow-Ups Email module is also used for pop-up reminders. The email follow-up module is very helpful for reducing cart abandonment, which makes its integration into the store essential.

Optimize Checkout

An online store cannot operate effectively without a working single-step checkout integration. The lengthy, conventional checkout procedures are irritating for the customers, leading to the abandonment of the cart. The checkout procedure should be simple to complete and comfortable for customers to go through. The one-page checkout module enables customers to effortlessly and quickly complete their purchases.

The single-step checkout module makes it easier for users to complete their purchases because everything is on one page. The user shouldn’t have to go through several steps throughout the checkout process. Cart abandonment is a result of lengthy checkout processes, which are unappealing to customers. According to the customers’ feedback, the one-page checkout module makes the checkout faster. The checkout procedure is easy due to single-page checkout, reducing the abandoned cart rate.

Exit Popup

The exit popup is a very useful plugin for increasing the time of engagement of the customers on the website. The exit intent subscription module displays itself as soon as the customer tries to exit the website. The pop-up appears with discounts or offers that act as leverage for the visitors. The code in the email subscription popup is usable whenever the customer orders the product the next time he visits the store. If the users have abandoned their cart, then they might want to complete the purchase as soon as they receive the discount code. The exit pop-up module helps bring back customers and gives them the motivation to complete the purchase. The email obtained from the exit popup is usable in various email marketing campaigns. The customer also has the motivation to use the code, for which he has to complete the purchase of the abandoned cart.

Mobile App

In today’s cutthroat eCommerce competitive market, it is critical to have all business growth strategies in place. Furthermore, to do so, a business needs to have a well-equipped and functional mobile app. These days, mobile apps are responsible for the majority of brand sales.

Additionally, the apps are easily accessible and easy to operate for the customers, so they usually prefer to shop on mobile apps. Customers usually abandon their carts while purchasing, for which they receive push notifications on mobile apps. Mobile apps are preferable for business growth, and reducing cart abandonment is important. Mobile apps are seeing more usage, so when a sales campaign is in progress, customers will surely notice it.

In The End

The strategies for reducing shopping cart abandonment are in this article. If you want to learn more about reducing cart abandonment, get in touch with the Knowband team. To know more about our extensions and services, you can connect with us at Moreover, we can provide you with custom developments depending on your business requirements. Kindly let us know if you need assistance with any of our products.