Knowband Blog | Ecommerce Modules

Why do you need to have Social Login on your eCommerce store?

As soon as visitors enter an eCommerce website, they are frequently presented with a sign-up form. Users are put through a difficult experience as a result, which is made worse if they are not given the choice to skip the signup process. However, social login has made the registration process quick and easy. In terms of user experience and conversions, social login is essential for eCommerce.

As a netizen, you have probably seen the social login option on many e-commerce websites or in the corresponding mobile app.

What do we mean by Social Login?

With social login, also known as social sign-in, users can sign up on a third-party platform without having to create a new account by using their existing login credentials from social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

How does Social Login function?

Advantages of Social Logging

Have you ever given the benefits of social login on your e-commerce website any thought? You’ve already lost out on a sizable portion of potential customers if you haven’t offered social login options to your visitors.

I’ve outlined the top advantages of social login in eCommerce in this article.

Simple and Speedy Registration

Users find it very annoying to open a brand-new account each time they go to a different eCommerce site. Social login comes in handy in these circumstances. It provides convenience and enables users to quickly and easily complete the registration process.

User sign-ups increase with social login

Social login offers a trouble-free signup process and increases the likelihood that signups will be successful. This is the first step toward a better user experience that motivates visitors to register for an account on the website they are currently visiting.

People are also more likely to sign up because they don’t care about creating a new account.

Minimizes on cart abandonment

A further advantage of social login is that it lowers the rate of cart abandonment. It transforms a laborious checkout process into one that is user-friendly.

Online shoppers are often required to fill a mandatory registration process. It may act as a roadblock to effective conversion and result in cart abandonment.

It is also among the most effective techniques for improving checkout.

No need to keep track of passwords

The hassle of remembering passwords is eliminated.

When they have to make a new password for a new website, people get password fatigue. Additionally, remembering multiple passwords becomes incredibly challenging. According to a study, 86% of users find it annoying to have to create a new account because they have to remember yet another password.

By enabling users to sign up using their preferred social account on various platforms, social login lessens password fatigue. It saves you from having to make a new password.

Mobile conversions

Today, more than half of compulsive shoppers prefer to shop online using their mobile devices. Therefore, you must not undervalue the significance of having a mobile-friendly eCommerce website.

A responsive website with social login makes it simple for mobile users to sign up using their smartphones. It boosts your mobile traffic and enables you to convert more mobile visitors.

Knowband Social Login Addon

This module can be used to integrate up to 15 login options. The website allows users to register and log in using Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon, Yahoo, PayPal, Live, WordPress, Dropbox, Vkontakte, FourSquare, Github, and Disqus.

Additionally, you can add the social login block to a variety of pages, including the home page, product page, checkout page, etc.

For a variety of eCommerce platforms, including Prestashop, OpenCart, Magento, and Magento 2, Knowband offers the login module.

The conclusion

I hope the advantages of the social login I’ve listed above convinced you to implement it on your website. Don’t limit yourself to Facebook and Google Login.

I don’t think it would be a good idea to restrict the number of signup options on your website. For instance, the Facebook login option would be useless for a user who has an Instagram account but does not use Facebook.