Perché la tua strategia di spedizione e consegna e-commerce è più importante che mai: spiegata con esempi dal vivo


How fast are your eCommerce orders delivered? How many choices do you give for delivery? What do you want to charge for shipping? Is shipping safe for you? These are some pressing questions related to e-commerce delivery.

You need to have a delivery service plan that satisfies your customers and improves their customer experience. In e-commerce, businesses compete for the customer experience, and fast, well-planned delivery can definitely improve it.

In this article, I will provide reasons that will explain the importance of delivery strategy and show you some of the best delivery management plugins that will help you achieve your business goals.

Why is a delivery management strategy needed?

A bad experience with shipping has a major impact on your business. It affects your company’s reputation, consumer satisfaction, and can drive costs up. If there’s a business area to focus on, consider turning it into your e-commerce shipping strategy. A good shipping experience is more critical than ever, the new stats show.

  • Merchants are now mostly struggling for the customer experience.
  • Merchants are not meeting eCommerce delivery customer expectations.
  • Customers are more interested in home delivery than shopping in a physical store.
  • After the COVID-19 outbreak, hygiene and contactless delivery is expected and traders are struggling

What do eCommerce customers expect from delivery service providers?

Customers want competitive rates, versatile shipping choices, and fast delivery when it comes to logistics.

Take a further look at these figures to clarify what customers want.

  • 2 out of 3 people expect to be able to place an order for delivery the next day until 5:00 am the night before.
  • The preference for two-day shipping has increased significantly
  • For time-sensitive staff, half of consumers are willing to pay extra for faster delivery.

However, you need to find an inexpensive way to improve your fulfillment operations to meet these standards. This takes time and investment, and you probably have many areas that need to be changed.

How to improve your eCommerce delivery strategy: consider using these modules


You probably don’t specialize in supply chain management or logistics, unless you’re Amazon. And, most likely, you don’t even have the money to do it.

Invece, per rendere il tuo processo di consegna rapido e agevole, dovresti considerare l’aggiunta di alcuni moduli dedicati ai servizi di consegna al tuo negozio eCommerce. Di conseguenza, questi moduli ti aiuteranno a migliorare l’esperienza del cliente relativa alla spedizione.

Le migliori quattro estensioni sviluppate da KnowBand per migliorare l’esperienza del cliente sul tuo negozio eCommerce sono:

  1. App mobile ragazzo delle consegne
  2. Tempo di consegna preferito Estensione
  3. Estensione contrassegno
  4. Localizzatore di negozi ed estensione per il ritiro

Usa l’app Delivery Boy per assegnare, gestire e consegnare gli ordini

I clienti si allontanano dal tuo negozio se la gestione delle consegne è scadente. Fai del tuo meglio per portare il cliente nel tuo negozio, ma durante l’ultima fase della tua attività, una cattiva gestione delle consegne può costarti un potenziale cliente.

Per gestire le consegne hai bisogno di un software robusto in grado di gestire tutte le tue consegne, indirizzi, data e ora di consegna, assegnazione della consegna e registrazione del fattorino, ecc.

L’app Delivery Boy può aiutarti a farlo con facilità. Verrò a questo più tardi. Prima di ciò, è necessario comprendere la necessità di offrire la consegna a domicilio e come può aumentare le vendite.

Il modulo consente all’amministratore e al cliente di interagire facilmente, il che contribuirà a migliorare la fidelizzazione dei clienti poiché rimangono a conoscenza della consegna.

  • The admin and the deliveryman will also receive updates on the order.
  • The administrator can register the delivery boy to the application.
  • No admin will monitor the status of the deliveryman and assign them an order.
  • The admin will speak with the customers to answer their questions and collect feedback.
  • The admin can also speak to the bellboy to ask them questions and answer their questions.
  • Delivery Boy will make their online / offline status via the app. This will make their presence or absence.
  • The delivery man will confirm or reject the new order assigned to him.
  • The OTP must be entered by the delivery man to verify that the delivery is made by him to the correct customer.
  • The customer can also monitor the activities of the deliveryman.

The delivery man app is available for two open source eCommerce platforms.

PrestaShop Delivery Boy mobile app

OpenCart Delivery Boy mobile app

Live examples of Delivery Boy app

PrestaShop App for Delivery Man

The Mayida is a PrestaShop store offering farm-fresh fruits, vegetables and green leaves in Saudi Arabia. To make the delivery on time and avoid the delivery management challenges, they used KnowaBand’s PrestaShop Delivery Boy app. This app is a complete solution to take care of the delivery process from order pickup to delivery.

Registered deliverymen will be notified when the admin assigns them an order. Once the order is accepted, the status of the order will be changed.


The next step in the process will be transportation and location finding. For this, it provides the customer’s location on Google Map. With the help of Maps, the delivery man will be able to find the correct location.


For customer verification, an OTP code will be required. The delivery process will be completed and the order status will be “Shipped”.

Explore more- PrestaShop Delivery Boy Mobile App that simplifies delivery management for Mayida!

Live demo of the Myida PrestaShop Delivery Boy app

OpenCart Delivery Boy App

In India, many eCommerce companies use the OpenCart platform. A Pune-based food market startup uses KnowBand’s Delivery Boy app to deliver its products locally. BuyKeyStuff is the website for local stores and they make deliveries on time.

It is not easy to manage shipping for a marketplace as there are various merchants with a larger customer base. However, to provide efficient delivery, they have a team to deliver the products. The deliveryman app helps the merchant to assign orders to the deliverymen

They take the order from the merchant and deliver it to its rightful owner. The whole shipping process can be monitored by the app admin. In the event that a delivery man refuses to collect the order, he must provide the reason for his refusal.

This OpenCart Delivery Boy App helps the owner to track the whole process. This way the BuyKeyStuff marketplace handles delivery with ease.

Live demo of the BuyKeyStuff OpenCart Delivery Boy app



Preferred delivery times for a better customer experience

Most of the time the delivery process is hampered due to the unavailability of the customer at the place of delivery.

Offrendo un servizio personalizzato, l’amministratore del negozio può fornire una migliore esperienza del negozio. Per selezionare il data e ora di consegna preferite, l’amministratore del negozio può implementare la funzionalità nel negozio OpenCart.

  • Consente ai consumatori di scegliere la data e l’ora di consegna preferite a loro piacimento.
  • I proprietari dei negozi possono impostare un divario minimo di spedizione tra la data di inserimento dell’ordine e la data di consegna preferita
  • Definisce l’intervallo per il tempo di consegna [Ora di inizio e Ora di fine]
  • Consente di impostare diversi slot per la distribuzione
  • Il responsabile del negozio può specificare i giorni di mancata consegna
  • Inoltre, dopo aver effettuato l’ordine, i clienti potranno modificare la data e l’ora di consegna.

These preferred delivery time extension features provide a personalized user experience and merchants can ship and deliver the order based on the customer’s choice.

Cash on delivery improves trust and creates loyalty

Earn customer loyalty by providing the item with a COD function. This is simply to allow consumers on the checkout page to pay online instead of choosing to pay later upon delivery. But since many customers are reluctant to share their card details online, you can provide them with the Cash on Delivery (COD) option along with some additional fees.

  • The customer must not share any debit or credit card details
  • Shoppers can purchase products on the web without fear of hidden costs, breach of security, or risk of losing money.
  • It also allows you to show the “COD” option on the payment page
  • You can set up different charges for different order amounts.
  • Add your payment gateway with OpenCart Cash on Delivery plugin on your web
  • Set up various COD profiles for different delivery methods and order quantities.
  • OpenCart Cash on Delivery with Fee Extension allows resellers to charge an additional fee for the cash on delivery option.

Furthermore, there are many other features that you can configure from the backend of the OpenCart Cash On Delivery extension.

Buy online and in-store pickup promotes upselling

Retail companies have also moved their company to the online platform to ensure social distancing. It also ensures that customers don’t feel worried about getting the essentials when shopping online by allowing for in-store pickup.

The store locator and in-store pickup extension encourage auto pickup facility. It allows you to add the store location on your websites and allows customers to pick up their products by choosing their nearby store. You can also add more stores.

  • It allows the store manager to add multiple stores to make sure the customer can pick up the order from the nearest store using a remote filter
  • Additionally, the store owner can specify the opening and closing times of the store so that no customer sees a lock on the door
  • It also has Google Maps for quick navigation
  • You can specify a pick-up time slot. In addition, customers can choose the date and time slot they want
  • In addition, you can inform the customer about collection orders by email.

Final Thoughts: There’s no denying that shipping services play a significant role in deciding whether or not a customer chooses to buy. If you know your previous delivery strategy doesn’t suit them well, there’s a good chance you need to improve it in some places! OpenCart Delivery Extensions will enhance the user experience and make your business stand out from the crowd.

Recommended reading to simplify the management of eCommerce deliveries:

Vishakha Nathani

Vishakha Nathani

Vishakha can be found writing, crafting or digging Earth. Her love for writing made her switch her profession from a Geologist to a Writer. Additionally, she likes keeping herself engaged in crafting and redecorating spaces. You might found her posting 3 am poetry on her Instagram story. Her proclivity for writing is never-ending.

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