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Magento Abandoned Cart Extension that acts as a Conversion Booster for your Site

It would be a hyperbolic statement if any business could claim that they can understand the “nerve and mindset” of their customers. Things are changing at a fast pace and it is literally a “climbing a mountain” task to satisfy every need and requirement of your customer. With this moody behavior of customers, online businesses are mostly at the “receiving end” as it could have a detrimental impact on their conversions and customer engagement. Due to these inhibitions and reservations, while making an online purchase, there has been a significant rise in the number of shopping cart abandonment.

This may be dubbed as a “trivial matter” but it can have a catastrophic effect on the performance of your online store in the long run. These shopping cart abandonments can break all hell on your business prospects if they are not dealt with effectively. Here is a breather for you in the form of these Magento Abandoned Cart extensions that can redefine the performance of your Magento store to a completely different level. Take a quick look at the various features and functionalities of our Knowband extension that is being revered by numerous Magento stores around the world.

Incentivising schemes to boost customer attention and sales

This Knowband extension is truly special in the sense that it encourages customers to make a quick online purchase in exchange for appealing incentives and discount schemes. You need to install these Magento Abandoned Cart Extensions that can provide exciting offers and deals through abandoned cart email reminders to your abandoners for achieving desired conversions and product sales for your online business entity.

Offers facility to track abandoned carts

It is now much easier to track the abandoned carts of your customers for ensuring a seamless improvement in your conversions and sales. Magento Abandoned Cart module can get your visitors tracked without any hassle for effective targeting and retargeting approach. This Knowband extension helps in keeping a close track of your visitor behavior and analyzes the possible reasons behind those abandoned carts on your Magento 2 store.

Retarget with email, reminder pop-up, and browser notification

Due to this constant mood swing, customers can’t make up their minds to make an online purchase through a particular eCommerce store. Retargeting your customers is now easy and you can follow different approaches for the same. Share discounted or non-discounted emails and you can select and default email template. Another way is by sending pop-up notifications and also, Magento Abandoned cart reminder email extension has the facility to send browser notifications (push notification).

Compatible with other stores and themes

One of the most important features of this Magento extension is that it works uninterruptedly with existing eCommerce stores and themes around you. Thus, with the help of the Magento Abandoned Cart Module, you can seamlessly target your wide range of customers that come into the category of various eCommerce business segments. Apart from this, you can use this module with various available themes on your Magento store.

Ensures quick cart recovery for swift targeting

Unlike other eCommerce extensions, getting your abandoned cart back has become a simple task due to the presence of this one-click recovery option. Abandoned customers just have to click on a simple link or button and they can easily access their old shopping cart. With a quick cart recovery option of Magento Abandoned Cart Module, you don’t have to add the desired products from the scratch themselves.


It is the beginning of a new dawn in the field of shopping cart abandonments with the emergence of this Magento Abandoned Cart Extensions from the Knowband store. By ensuring seamless recovery of abandoned carts on your store, you can effortlessly achieve higher conversions and product sales among your business rivals. So, come and visit our Knowband store for optimizing your business prospects and to achieve a promising site.

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