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Time for some great App Marketing Campaigns from which we require to learn

Convincing customers isn’t everyone’s piece of cake. Keeping them on their toes in such a competitive market requires a lot of planning and efforts. When we think about acquiring leads through a mobile application, it just gets tougher. If we look at some of the successful marketing campaigns, they prove that with the right approach and strategy anyone can create their own success story. All required from you is to put out your best efforts, which will be understood and valued by the audience.

Whenever we market products, it simply means that we are telling a story to the users about our products which will ultimately help them in understanding our brand. So, why not be a good storyteller and make them believe in you. Yeah! marketing history has been full of such extraordinary approaches which made their mark then. Here are the few top picks among them –

1. How a social media tactic made a big difference for Starbucks?

Direct app marketing may work for one or two cases but it isn’t fruitful for every scenario. Often marketers ask people to download their app in their promotions. Well, the better way is to lure them with advanced features or content of your application. It is the easiest way to promote your app which will ultimately result in the huge number of potential downloads.

We all know Starbucks for its perfect coffee. They adopted this marketing strategy by asking the users to send images of the best Starbucks product and the best clicks were highlighted on the social media. See it for yourself:

Along with this, their Instagram bio contained the link of app installation.

Now it may seem any general promotion, but trust me it is an extraordinary one. The amazing clicks will drive the users to see more content on the page and what will they find there – app installation link in bio. It is a quite smart play to achieve more popularity.

2. How free rewards lured the Australians?

Rewards have always been a boon when it comes to motivating people. We all love receiving perks at some point in our life and so is in the marketing. The key ingredient of reward-based marketing is the free stuff which engages the everyday consumer and incentivizes them to share your brand message.

Let’s take an instance for a moment. A few years ago an Australian company Virgin came up with a Mobile App Campaign which allowed its countrymen to compete against each other in a game for $20000 reward. The results followed by the strategy were quite unexpected:

This cleared the picture that the combination of real-life awards and game worked pretty well for them and this approach can be used to lure users socially. Using physical and digital incentives surely grabs the user’s attention.

3. How IKEA transformed paper catalogue into the interactive platform?

In the year 2012, the Swedish based multinational group IKEA released their catalogue app and left the world to astound by bringing augmented reality into it. Perhaps, it was the most unique feature of the app to just project images of furniture into the user’s house to test its beauty and aesthetic. It basically took the shopping word to a whole new level with just a mobile app.

Well, it was obvious for the app to acquire 6.2 million users in the very same year and it also reported an average of eight minutes browsing compared to three minutes reading only the catalogue. This strategy for sure worked for IKEA and the figure jumped to 10 million in 2013. This is a perfect example where the modern technology trends could be a strong pillar in marketing.

4. How app CTA’s are leading to a huge number of downloads with nominal efforts?

What better place to promote your app than social media platforms? But, writing promotional text on the social platforms isn’t enough nowadays. So, why not opt for a more engaging strategy. That’s what in-app Call-to-action buttons are for. Many social platforms give us multiple ways to add app CTA’s. Following image will make you more clear where have you seen it:

This approach is simple yet proven to be an effective one. Marketing your app when users are checking out their social content. What can be better than this which just guides them to your app? It can get you many instant and regular downloads for your application.

The app links and CTA’s can also be added in the profile bio. This would promote your application is a most seamless way without annoying any users in the process.

5. How has Lenskart changed the Eyeglasses purchase with 3D try-on feature?

Lenskart eyewear retailer has been always been a step ahead with their marketing strategy. Let’s have a look at the latest one – 3D try-on feature. This allowed the users to try the frames and glasses directly through the app and let them buy without any efforts. This technology used face mapping which recommends the best-fit glasses for the person.

This advanced way of shopping eyewear allowed the easy purchase to users and it even benefitted Lenskart when users shared the responses on social media. They offered the maximum value to the users which compelled the audience to download the application.

6. How mobile app campaign of Subway France piled up more wins?

Subway bridged the online and offline activities with its mobile application and made an effective impact on the users. Subway, last year started a campaign ‘You’re The Chef’ which relied on delivering what people actually want to pay money for. They used behavioral data of users and established groups of regular fast food customers. This campaign was purely mobile and targeted users during the usual lunch and dinner times.

What better use could be of segmentation? This campaign also proved how push notification can enhance your business sales with nominal efforts. Another tech trend geo-fencing was also used in their app for sending a short video and showing the distance to nearest subway whenever any user is within 400 meters of a Subway sandwich bar. The video even included the call to action button, which opened the native map application in the user’s device and showed the shortest route to the store. Thus, this whole campaign was through a single application with the rich usage of push notifications.

How can you own a flawless Mobile App for your eCommerce store?

The eCommerce mobile applications serve something beyond business for the eCommerce industry. Without a doubt, the mCommerce is going to change the way the world shops in future. Most firms have thought that it was useful to have a dedicated application for a mobile platform for consumer loyalty just as an expanded business. Indeed, the benefits can go past minor shopping ease. Hence, the KnowBand presents different extensions for various platforms like – PrestaShop, Magento, Magento2, OpenCart, WooCommerce and Shopify as well.

KnowBand provides this pre-configured Mobile App Builder extension through which you can convert the website into a mobile app in a few simple steps. Even, if the store admin coming from a non-technical background can easily and efficiently transform their store into the native mobile app and improve sales on their store.

Wrap up

These were the 6 top marketing campaigns that made waves in the last few years. They are the proof of how an extraordinary marketing strategy can make a big difference in lead generation and brand awareness. It’s always a good instinct to learn from other’s success. So, next time whenever you are planning of eCommerce app development and its marketing campaign, keep them in your mind.