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How PrestaShop Store can benefit from eCommerce PWA (Progressive Web App)?

We have always been somewhere looking for an alternative to Google Play and Apple store publishing. PWA (Progressive Web Apps) seems to be emerging as the prime option for the same. This technology is the latest trend and becoming more popular with passing time. Even various experts and tech geniuses are referring to PWA as the future.

The Progressive Web App is useful in replicating the exact native-like experience in-browser applications. The major benefit is that the store owner needs not to handle the app store or play store publishing, but rather, the PWA Mobile Apps can be simply installed by opening the website URL on a mobile browser. The customers get the option of adding the PWA app to the home screen as they open the store URL on mobile chrome.

PrestaShop PWA Mobile App Builder

With the automated PWA Mobile App Builder framework, it becomes way simpler to launch the Progressive Web App for PrestaShop stores. Just three simple steps are required for the job:

Step 1: Purchase Extension:
Step 2: Share PrestaShop Admin/FTP details.
Step 3: Review the test PWA version and confirm to make life.

Major Advantages of PrestaShop Progressive Web App:

Not just the launch process, the PWA mobile apps even come with many features and benefits. Let’s check how useful these PrestaShop PWA Mobile App could be for eCommerce stores:

1. Preferred Choice for Businesses

If we consider the big enterprise names in the eCommerce world, the idea of the Progressive Web App would be much clear. Twitter, Walmart, Alibaba, etc. have already chosen Progressive Web App to improve conversions and revenue. All worldwide small as well as big PrestaShop eCommerce stores can choose PWA Mobile Apps and started growing the sales from mobile audiences instantly.

2. Wider Mobile Audience Targeting

The PrestaShop PWA works perfectly with both Android and iOS(All versions), making it a top-notch choice for eCommerce stores. Worldwide as well as the regional mobile audiences can be covered with this solution. More users visit the website, more will be Progressive Web App installations. The apps will be added to the application drawer along with other apps. The performance will be fully native-like and the users can simply open the app whenever they want to shop products.

3. Less Development Efforts & Cost

With native apps, the eCommerce merchant needs to input huge cost and time in order to get Android and iOS apps developed and published. The publishing process on Google Play and Apple App store is quite tricky and sometimes becomes a headache for non-techie business owners. PrestaShop PWA Mobile App Maker comes as a savior in this situation. The PWA mobile app can be derived directly by opening the store URL on a mobile browser. Your mobile version will be converted into a PWA app, keeping the desktop version working as usual.

4. Handy Admin Panel Control

The PrestaShop PWA Mobile Apps come up with an easy-to-use admin panel to manage & configure the live Progressive Web App. No need to ask the developers or learn to code. The store admin can simply make the required changes and the same will be instantly updated on the live PWA Mobile App. The home page layout configuration allows the store admin to change the look and feel of the live Progressive Web App anytime without any code change.

5. Marketing via Push Notifications

Push notifications have been used for all eCommerce mobile apps in order to achieve marketing and revenue goals. We all would have witnessed the push notifications being received in our mobiles for installed apps. The PrestaShop Progressive App Maker makes this possible in your PWA apps as well. The store merchant will be allowed to configure and send the custom as well as predefined push notifications on mobile devices.

6. Faster Working with Offline Accessibility

The Progressive Web Apps are very lightweight and hardly crash or stops on mobile devices. The technology to create PrestaShop PWA Mobile Apps is advanced and keeps the loading and performance faster when compared with native apps. The faster loading & smooth working can improve the shopping experience of mobile users at par. Another major highlight is that PrestaShop PWA Mobile Apps can work under offline mode (No/slow internet connectivity).

7. More Conversions & Sales

The PWA for PrestaShop can improve mobile conversions for eCommerce businesses. Offering a simplified process to install the app directly from the mobile website directs the users to the Progressive Web App. With layered navigation and simplified checkout, the apps can be a major revenue source for eCommerce business. If we go for Alibaba reference, their PWA app increased conversions by 76%.


Shift to better tomorrow with eCommerce PWA Mobile App. Your competitors have already moved to the Progressive Web App league and started getting more revenue. Considering the mass adoption of PWA, it’s right time to take your PrestaShop store into a mobile application. Offer an amazing shopping experience with enhanced features like fast performance, offline working, push notifications, SEO, and much more.

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