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WooCommerce PWA Mobile App Plugin (v1.0.1) | New Feature Upgrades

Mobile Applications have become a major source of leads for almost every kind of eCommerce business. Whether it’s a native or hybrid or a PWA app, being available to the customers on their most used device is always a great approach.

In the past 5 years, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) have become very popular among the app users & very profitable for eCommerce businesses. Various eCommerce platforms are allowing easier mediums to build & launch a PWA Mobile App. To bring the WooCommerce store owners into this landscape, our experts at KnowBand have developed & launched an automated WooCommerce PWA Mobile App Builder plugin which simply integrates with your website & gives you a fully customizable WooCommerce PWA.

This PWA maker plugin is a no-code solution although it still provides easy-to-use DIY tools using which store admins can modify their PWA without any efforts. Also, on the user-end, the app users get the best in class UI & UX just like any high-end mCommerce store.

Check it out from below link:

New Feature Upgrades in WooCommerce PWA Builder (v1.0.1)

#1 Quantity Stepper For Products:

As usual, for convenience, online Shoppers like a simpler but feature-rich interface on an e-store. Things like adding multiple quantities of products or changing the quantity at the time of checkout & while being on the cart, improve the shopping experience of the app users. All such features are by default added in the PWA build using the WooCommerce PWA plugin. This newly added feature allows the app users to change the product quantity by stepping it up (+) or down by one unit.

#2 Product Reviews:

This feature allows the app users to write & submit reviews of the products that they bought from your store. Reviews play a huge role in the eCommerce apps & websites. They can motivate others to purchase the products & increase your sales & revenue.

Simple Steps To Launch WooCommerce Progressive Web App:

  1. Purchase the WooCommerce PWA Mobile App Builder Plugin.
  2. Install the plugin on your WooCommerce website.
  3. Fill the app pre-requisite form & review your PWA before making it live.

How Are PWA Installed On Users’ Devices?

A PWA Mobile app is simply made live on the company’s website. There is no need of publishing it on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Whenever shoppers visit such a website on their mobile internet browsers, they are shown an ‘Add-To-HomeScreen’ popup on their screen. Once they click it, the PWA automatically gets installed on that user’s mobile device. The PWA then appears to work just like any regular mobile apps on a mobile device.

Major Features Of WooCommerce PWA Builder Plugin:

1. Simplified PWA Admin Panel:

The store owners and admins can easily configure their WooCommerce PWA App, design its home-page layout, manage push notifications & do a lot more without a hassle.

2. Unlimited Push Notifications:

It allows the store admins to send an unlimited number of push notifications to their app users and keep them engaged. Admins can also send personalized notifications and automate and schedule some of the common ones like the abandoned cart notifications, order status & order confirmation notifications. Use relevant graphics and catchy messages with desired redirect links on your Push Notifications.

3. Multi-lingual & Multi-currency Support:

The eCommerce PWA Apps built using these plugins support multiple currencies and multiple languages including RTL scripts like Arabic, Persian, etc.

4. Offline Accessibility:

By default, the Progressive Web Apps support offline access. Because of data caching, PWA Apps work even when the app user is offline or under slow internet connection.

5. All Payment & Shipment Methods:

All of the payment and shipment methods active on your website will automatically be active and fully functional on WooCommerce PWA App.

6. Social Login & Quick Sharing:

App users can easily onboard your WooCommerce PWA App with hassle-free social login options i.e. via their Facebook & Google accounts.

The PWA Apps built using this WooCommerce PWA plugin also provides a quick sharing link on the product pages. App users can hence easily share their choice of products on any of their social media handles.

7. Order Tracking:

App users can also track all of their active orders and stay updated with the status of orders’ delivery. Any changes/ updates in the status of the order instantly reflect on the app & also in the form of the automated order status notification.


With such a powerful tool available in the market, WooCommerce store merchants can stop worrying about the hassle & time involved in building a PWA. Grab your own WooCommerce PWA Mobile App Maker Plugin & launch your new PWA asap. 

For any assistance or query, feel free to reach out to our experts at Our team would be happy to help you.