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Google Makes Closed Testing Mandatory for the New App Deployment: Policy Update for New Individual Developer Accounts!

In a move to enhance the app development and publication process on Google Play, Google is implementing new App testing requirements for developers with personal accounts created after November 13, 2023. These changes aim to empower developers to thoroughly test their applications, identify potential issues, and gather feedback. And ensure a seamless user experience before launching their apps to the public.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide to the updated requirements and outlines the various testing tracks available in Play Console. Furthermore, we have also covered step-by-step instructions for developers with personal accounts to make their apps accessible to users on Google Play.

Introduction to Testing Requirements for Newly-Created Personal Accounts!

Testing plays a crucial role in the app development lifecycle. Allowing developers to validate correctness, functional behavior, and usability before a public release. Furthermore, utilizing Play Console’s testing tools before app publication enables developers to deliver high-quality experiences, resulting in improved ratings and increased success on Google Play.

To support all developers in delivering top-notch apps, Google Introduced new testing requirements. Therefore, developers with personal accounts created after November 13, 2023, must fulfill these requirements before making their apps available on Google Play.
Certain features in Play Console, such as Production (Release > Production) and Pre-registration (Release > Testing > Pre-registration), will be disabled until these requirements are met. Thus, the following factor makes the recent policy update an entire process update for the newly individual Play console developers.

Overview of Testing Requirements:

For developers with newly created personal accounts, a closed test for the app must be conducted, involving a minimum of 20 testers who have opted in for at least the last 14 days. Once these criteria are met, developers can apply for production access on the Play Console Dashboard. Enabling the distribution of their app on Google Play.
Moreover, during the application process, developers are required to answer questions providing insights into their app, testing process, and production readiness.

Detailed insights into different testing tracks and their requirements can be found below, along with additional information on applying for production access.

Understanding Different Testing Tracks and Their Requirements!


Play Console offers various testing tracks to facilitate a gradual testing progression, allowing developers to refine their apps before reaching a broader audience on Google Play.

1. Internal Testing: 

The internal testing optional track enables developers to distribute builds to a small group of trusted testers before completing app setup, aiding in issue identification and early feedback collection.

2. Closed Testing: 

This track allows developers to share their app with a controlled group of users, ensuring policy compliance and issue resolution before the app’s public launch. A closed test with at least 20 opted-in testers for the last 14 days is a prerequisite for applying for production access. This means that the users having individual Play console developer accounts will not be able to able to deploy the app on production without meeting this criteria.

3. Open Testing: 

Open testing enables developers to make their app’s test version visible on Google Play, allowing anyone to join the testing program and provide private feedback. Open testing becomes available once production access is granted.

4. Production: 

The final track is where developers make their app available to billions of users on Google Play. Before applying for production access, developers must conduct a closed test meeting specified criteria, and at least 20 testers must be opted-in for the last 14 days.


By adhering to these App testing requirements and utilizing the diverse testing tracks available in Play Console, developers can enhance the quality of their apps and contribute to a positive user experience on Google Play.

Furthermore, in case you have any queries or suggestions, you can also visit the Play Console help center or reach out to our support staff at our email address