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6 Prompt Tips for Creating an Effective Promotion Campaign on Prestashop

With the Holiday season just around the corner, it is high time for all the eCommerce store to gear up with their promotional and marketing strategies. Even though the business is not just dependent on the sales promotions, it is an essential aspect of building up the much-needed customer relation. This is not just a way of achieving the annual sales target, but also a way of communicating and connecting with the prospective customers. Do you own a Prestashop eCommerce store? Are you getting ready for the much awaited sales season of the year? Are you looking forward for creating effective promotions on your store? Then, you are at the right place. The blog brings forth some of the tips and tricks for building your next sales or marketing campaign.

Take the below mentioned ideas that have worked for the Prestashop store owners in the past and apply them to your own store.

1. Design the Discount and Offer

Compelling the customers to plunk down their cash and cards is a slow process. Even alluring the potential customer with offers and discounts is not an easy task. Earlier just the word ‘Flat Discount’ and ‘Free Gifts’ would attract a lot of attention of the visitors. However, these days creating a promotion or sales campaign involves a lot of considerations. Here are some of the tips for creating an effective offer.

2. Schedule Communication

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Sales campaign, in general, revolves around any major events such as holidays. Hence, the promotional triggers should be scheduled wisely. You need to choose your moment in order to run the campaign. The campaign should not be overlapping similar ones running on your site. Set the flash sales or special offers to reward the customers on a more personalized basis. In case you are using social media platform for the promotion, then, use the right time for the postings. According to a study, the engagement on social media is 32% higher on weekends, so it is definitely a good time. The best time of day to post on Facebook is from 1:00 p.m. to get the most shares, to 3:00 p.m. to get more clicks. On twitter, the click-through rates are generally highest on weekends, as well as mid-week, on Wednesdays.

3. Insert Promo Blocks

Blocks are the entities of an eCommerce store where the store owners place and display their products and ads. Prestashop Promotion blocks are used to show the products of the store that are on sales. Use the blocks wisely in order to promote the sales campaign. For getting more exposure place them in blocks in left/right column. Or else you can use the heatmap tool to detect the place that grabs most of the attention of the user. This will give help you with the placement.

4. Reminder for abandoned shopping cart

Remarketing your products to the visitors who abandoned the cart is a must for optimizing the sales. Use the email ids of the visitors who didn’t convert into leads by sending them promotional emails. Prestashop abandoned cart addon will help you track all the abandoned carts on the website. This module can help you experience a drop down in abandonment rate. You can send the follow-up and promotional emails to these visitors.

5. Promote across the channel

Pushing your promotional campaign through multiple channels can help you maximize the impact. Use various communication channel and adapting the message to the various outlet, that is, your website, via email, on the various social media platforms as well as traditional media such as TV and newspaper. Make a clever holiday video and share it on YouTube and other platforms. Amazon is one such name who reaped a lot of positive response from their videos. It helps create an emotional connection with the end users. You need not invest a heavy budget for these videos to get views. Just focus on the message that you are trying to convey along with relevancy to your audience, and the video will give you the desired result.

6. Track and improvise

Make use of the tools like Google Analytics or A/B testing, in order to get an insight of the result of the campaign. No matter how strong your strategy is, you need to have a backup to make up for the pitfalls and setbacks. Compare the current data with what you had planned and make necessary improvisions. The testing and changes should be an ongoing process. Keep checking the impact over the time and track the data regularly. Analyze the visitor response in terms of the conversion rates. Based on this you can make necessary changes and implement a seamless strategy on your site.

Get Started

eCommerce is huge, and so is the competition in this industry. Surviving in the heat of this competition is not a bed of roses. You need to acquiring and retaining the customers in your database. For this, you need to have an effective marketing and sales campaign. Your Prestashop eCommerce store doesn’t need a big budget to compete with the big players in the market. All it needs is a bit of innovation eCommerce ideas and a detailed analysis of the behavior of the market as well as the customers.

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