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Know it all about the Prestashop Gift Card Addon here

Knowband’s Prestashop gift card Addon is a practical and excellent option for marketers. In reality, it only facilitates the sale of gift cards on your website. Additionally, boost your company’s sales and profits. You can easily allow your consumers to buy digital gift cards, thanks to their growing popularity. Furthermore, send them to the recipients at the specified time.

We’ll look at the features of the Prestashop gift card in this blog. Furthermore, as you conclude the article, you will have a better knowledge of the plugin.

Knowband’s Prestashop gift card Addon incredible features

The Prestashop gift card manager is a straightforward module. It’s simple to integrate into your eCommerce business. To complete the installation, the shop administrator does not need any specific skills. The user manual and customer support are available to assist you if you get stuck.

A gift card’s standard amount and greatest limit are set by the shop administrator. Customers may now use the Prestashop module to buy a gift card up to a specified value.

The Prestashop send gift card addon allows the business administrator to create an unlimited number of gift cards. Also, with the Prestashop plugin, the store administrator may produce as many gift cards as he likes.

In the Prestashop gift card Addon’s interface, you may set the number of days between Gift Card delivery.

The gift card will repair to us the new form using a simple yet thorough pdf.

The Prestashop gift module may be used by the business administrator. Further, to apply a custom prefix password to the gift certificate.

The admin may update the order status for Gift Card orders using the Prestashop gift voucher module. Furthermore, only once the order status has been updated to the mentioned condition will the gift card be provided to the designated recipient.

From the backend, the store administrator has access to order information, status, delivery date, and other order data.

A consumer must enter the value of the gift card as well as the sender and receiver’s names for it to be sent to the intended recipient. Furthermore, while purchasing a gift card for a recipient, the latter’s email address is required.

They map to any categorization by putting relevant keywords in the design of the Prestashop gift voucher module. Like, Valentine’s Day, Anniversaries, Birthdays, and Holidays (Christmas, New Year’s, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and so on) are just a few examples.


Another new feature in Knowband’s Prestashop gift card module is the ability for customers to attach photos to gift cards.

Customers may use a portion of their gift certificates using Knowband’s Prestashop addon. Also, by sending an email, the administrator can create a new gift card item with a number and an expiration date.

Prestashop gift card Addon is multilingual. Further, customers will now be able to discover gift vouchers in their native language. In reality, depending on the location, the language for interactions and email layouts may be customized.

The Prestashop module works with a broad selection of retailers.

When using the Prestashop gift card module, you may position the gift card button anywhere on the website where you think buyers would see it. For example, a site’s header, footer, or left sidebar.

The way a user interacts with the features determines whether a business succeeds or fails. Customers may also utilize Prestashop’s mobile-friendly and user-friendly interface to explore, pick, and purchase digital gift cards from your store.

To make things easier for the business owner/admin, the Prestashop Gift Card Addon includes customizable email templates. When a client puts an order or the status of an existing purchase changes, the administrator simply selects a design from the options and sends it to them.

Customers have the option of choosing when their physical and digital gift cards will be delivered (via mail).

The administrator can now add a title and a representation to the Gift Card layout. Also. this revised version of the Prestashop plugin allows you to send gift cards. In addition, the title, representation, and images will all be visible to the customer.

The Prestashop Gift module now has a lot of new features. Additionally, it allows the administrator to keep track of all gift cards in one place. You may also order gift cards using the Gift Card Orders website.

In the End

The Prestashop gift card addon by Knowband is a functional option that brings in new customers, sales, and more revenues. In fact, it helps you engage customers as well. If you want to grow your eCommerce business, this is one of the best options. What are your thoughts on the Prestashop addon? Would you want to invest in the plugin as well? Do let us know your thoughts and queries at