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Prestashop Hyperlocal Marketplace Addon by Knowband – Know it all here!

In this blog, we will undoubtedly examine the Prestashop Hyperlocal Marketplace Addon by Knowband. Marketplaces are well-known online retail platforms where a variety of merchants can register. Additionally, to evaluate and analyze the Marketplace’s bigger audience. There are a few huge, and well-known marketplaces that are highly popular.

Focusing on the Prestashop hyperlocal marketplace module, the plugin is more than just turning your store into a marketplace. In fact, it will also link customers with local sellers.

The hyperlocal multi-vendor marketplace allows vendors to display their shipping zone scope. Moreover, set the shipping fee esteems for an area that is broader than the pre-defined limit as well. Shoppers can place orders from neighboring merchants. In addition, have them delivered in a certain amount of time. Using Knowband’s Prestashop hyperlocal E-commerce business, this should be doable.

Finally, we’ve arrived at the point where we’ll start talking about Knowband’s Prestashop Hyperlocal Marketplace. Therefore, in this blog, we will keep an eye on everything that you should know about the plugin. Moreover, a layperson should know what he/she is getting into before creating a hyperlocal marketplace.

Let us go forth and check them out one by one below.

What is the definition of the Prestashop Hyperlocal Marketplace Addon?

Knowband’s Prestashop hyperlocal delivery marketplace is the quickest and smoothest way to turn your store into a hyperlocal setup. You can also start taking care of things once you acquire the module, install it in your eCommerce store, and configure it. You can start processing seller inquiries to join and sell on your platform right away. As a result, the establishment setup can be completed in three basic phases. We will look at them below.

What are the steps to set up the Prestashop hyperlocal service marketplace?

Once the module installs, you can go ahead and configure it as per your choice. 

What distinguishes the Prestashop Hyperlocal Delivery Business Model from others?

The very first difference is certainly the duration between placing an order and its delivery. Moreover, the Knowband marketplace has a variety of features.  Some of them are available below:


The admin can choose to charge the commission percentage-wise or fixed for all sellers. Furthermore, he can charge different sellers different commissions on their orders.


Once a vendor sends an enrollment request, the administrator can also pre-set the options. As a result, by clicking a button on the Prestashop hyperlocal marketplace addon, he can quickly accept or disapprove proposals.

Store owners can also give their customers the option of registering as a seller. The Prestashop Hyperlocal Marketplace also allows customers to register as vendors.

Every seller has a panel where they can add or change things in the Marketplace. In fact, the vendors get a dashboard from where they can do all their activities. For instance, handle their profile, list products, and do more.

A Prestashop hyperlocal marketplace module owner can grant dealers permission to oversee and change order status. Further, they can also handle order fulfillment and provide order records, among other things.

For the benefit of merchants, the store manager can add shipping zones.

Any merchant who signs up for the program is free to sell anything they want. However, the administrator must first accept the item and category synopsis. With a few clicks from the backend, stock management for delivery products becomes simple.

Merchants can request payment for their income via the hyperlocal multi-vendor marketplace. The shop manager can automate or manually accept the requests with a single tick. The sellers have the option of displaying the total and rationale for the payout, as well as selecting any of the payment methods available. In addition, the chairman has the authority to approve or amend the payment criteria.

Vendor registration, vendor account approval, item approval, research updates, payment request, and other events cover in the Prestashop addon’s email layouts.

Various delivery and payment options are configurable by the administrator. On the Ship tab of the vendor’s dashboard, dealers can display their shipping plans, or the administrator’s default shipping operations will be displayed. Basic approaches for promoting the seller’s unique delivery methods should be there.

The Prestashop hyperlocal E-commerce business guarantees GDPR compliance.

The advantages of Prestashop hyperlocal delivery marketplace

The market is a source of regular income, and it may be advantageous to support local businesses. We already discussed this aspect before in the blog. The bonus can be one-of-a-kind or equivalent, according to the administrator’s discretion.

Because it allows multiple merchants to sell on one platform, the Prestashop addon is useful for inventory management. The supervisor and the vendor both can add and remove items and courses.

The advantages of eCommerce marketplaces benefit a flexible organizational strategy. Perhaps there are fewer financial risks with an independent eCommerce store. A growing consumer check works hand in hand with developing vendors, ultimately resulting in a growing company.

Because they have access to a large client base, sellers go to hyperlocal marketplaces to sell. Customers are more likely to be unsatisfied with stuff they didn’t intend to acquire when browsing items on marketplaces.

As a result, the Prestashop Hyperlocal Marketplace Addon has a better chance of making a sale. Why? Because they are familiar with a wide selection of products from a variety of vendors.

What is a hyperlocal marketplace and how does it work?

Orders are placeable via a website, a mobile application, or a phone call. The hyperlocal marketplace employs an integrated program to give a seamless experience across several mediums.

The hyperlocal marketplace’s backend is reliable and trustworthy. Sellers receive client orders and ensure that purchases are complete within strict deadlines.

What is the primary difference between a traditional marketplace and a hyperlocal marketplace?

Hyperlocal businesses are companies that spread throughout a large geographic area. For instance, nearby service providers, food stores, restaurants, and so forth. They’re accessible through apps or traditional platforms, and you may start using them right now. The Prestashop hyperlocal service marketplace caters to all consumer requirements. In truth, they deal with them in the most efficient way possible.

On the other hand, eCommerce eats away on a public or global scale. In addition, it includes a gigantic procedure on a much greater scale. In addition, I made an effort to meet standards that aren’t overly strict. The ability of an online marketplace to give clients more economical options determines its success. Furthermore, who approves of staying for a short period or a longer period?

What makes Knowband’s Prestashop Hyperlocal Delivery Business Model so appealing?

The Prestashop Hyperlocal Delivery Marketplace from Knowband provides features that will help your eCommerce business. For a long time after the purchase, Knowband provides the best customer service. Moreover, for the first three months, the clients get free customer support. Further, the support team is available to assist you with any question or issue you may have with the module. For enhanced customer service beyond three months, you might have to pay a premium.

For Prestashop Hyperlocal E-commerce Business Mobile App Builder package, click here.

In the End

So, what do you think of the Prestashop hyperlocal marketplace addon by Knowband? It is a functional and beneficial option for your eCommerce business. In case you have any queries, let us know at