What’s New in Prestashop Etsy Marketplace Connector v3.0.4: A Comprehensive Review!

Upgrade to Knowband's Prestashop Etsy Connector v3.0.4!

In the ever-evolving world of eCommerce, staying updated with the latest tools and technologies is crucial for success. Whether it’s m-commerce or multi-channel selling, it is important to do experiments and try something new to stand out from the market competition. At Knowband, we are committed to providing top-notch eCommerce solutions to help online businesses thrive. Our latest release, the Prestashop Etsy Marketplace Connector v3.0.4, comes packed with new features designed to enhance your store’s functionality and ease of use. Therefore, in this article we will provide a comprehensive review of the new features and improvements in our Prestashop Etsy Integration Addon, aiming to make your eCommerce journey smoother and more profitable.

Introducing Profile Level Synchronization:

One of the standout features of the Prestashop Etsy Integration Extension v3.0.4 is the introduction of profile-level synchronization. Previously, our module allowed for the synchronization of products across all profiles in one go. While effective, this approach lacked flexibility, especially for store admins managing multiple profiles with different product categories or strategies.

With profile level synchronization, you can now list products on Etsy based on individual profiles. Furthermore, the admin has more control over which products are synchronized and listed on Etsy from each profile. Whether you want to list only a specific category of products or have different pricing strategies for different profiles, this new feature provides the flexibility and precision you need.

Custom Product Descriptions and Titles:

Custom Product Descriptions and Titles - Feature of Knowband's Prestashop Etsy Integration Addon v3.0.4

Another significant enhancement in the Prestashop Etsy Integration Module v3.0.4 is the ability to customize product descriptions and titles. This feature allows store admins to list products on Etsy with different product titles and descriptions compared to their Prestashop store listings.

Why is this important? Customizing product titles and descriptions can significantly impact your product’s visibility and attractiveness on Etsy. By tailoring your product descriptions to better match Etsy’s search algorithms and user preferences, you can improve your products’ search ranking and appeal to a broader audience. Moreover, this customization capability also helps in maintaining brand consistency and optimizing SEO for each marketplace.

Improved User Interface and Experience:

We understand that a user-friendly interface is crucial for efficient store management. In this version, we have made several improvements to the user interface, making it more intuitive and easier to navigate. These enhancements are designed to help you quickly access the features you need and perform tasks more efficiently.

How to Get Started with Prestashop Etsy Marketplace Integration Addon v3.0.4!

Getting started with the latest version of our Etsy Prestashop Integrator is simple. If you are an existing user, you can easily upgrade to the new version through your module dashboard. For new users, installing the Prestashop Etsy Synchronization Addon is straightforward, with detailed instructions provided in our documentation.

Once installed, you can start configuring the profile level synchronization and customizing your product descriptions and titles. The user-friendly interface will guide you through the setup process, ensuring you can take full advantage of the new features.

Features Offered by Knowband’s Prestashop Etsy API Integrator Addon:

Features Offered by Knowband’s Prestashop Etsy API Integrator Addon

Knowband’s Prestashop Etsy API Integrator provides a comprehensive set of features designed to streamline your eCommerce operations. Key features include:

Profile Level Synchronization: Allows synchronization of products based on individual profiles, offering enhanced control and flexibility.

Custom Product Descriptions and Titles: Enables customization of product listings specifically for Etsy, improving SEO and visibility.

Automated Inventory Management: Automatically updates inventory levels on both Prestashop and Etsy, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual effort.

Custom Pricing: The Prestashop Etsy Marketplace Connector module allows you to set different prices for your Etsy listings compared to your Prestashop store.

Alter Quantity to Avoid Overselling: Provides the ability to adjust available quantities to prevent overselling and manage stock efficiently.

Automated Order Synchronization: Synchronizes orders between Prestashop and Etsy automatically, ensuring seamless order management.

Knowband - Prestashop Etsy Marketplace Integration module

Prestashop Etsy Marketplace Integration Module

Knowband’s Prestashop Etsy Marketplace Integration module helps Prestashop store owners seamlessly connect their stores with Etsy to expand their reach and increase sales.



The Prestashop Etsy Marketplace Integration Addon v3.0.4 is a significant step forward in providing robust, flexible, and user-friendly solutions for Prestashop store admins. With the introduction of profile-level synchronization and customizable product descriptions and titles, this version offers enhanced control and efficiency in managing your Etsy listings.

Whether you are looking to improve your product visibility, streamline your operations, or simply make your eCommerce management more efficient, the Prestashop Etsy Integration Addon v3.0.4 has got you covered. Upgrade today and experience the new features and improvements for yourself!

For more information, you can also get in touch with us at knowband.com/helpdesk.


We are professionals in the eCommerce industry, specializing in plugin development. With years of experience, We provide the best plugins for platforms like - Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart and Shopify. We also offer custom module development and customization services for websites and modules. Our team remains at the forefront of industry trends, delivering cutting-edge solutions to enhance eCommerce website functionality. With a customer-centric approach, our company is trusted partner for eCommerce plugin solutions.

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