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Como a parceria do Magento Commerce com a Acquia é um verdadeiro fator de mudança no jogo?

Explore this business partnership to improve the experience of your eCommerce customers.


Ontem, 2nd novembro, 2016 foi um grande dia para proprietários de sites de comércio eletrônico Magento Comércio e Acquia anunciou sua parceria para oferecer uma rica experiência digital aos clientes. Essa integração é uma grande novidade para os proprietários de sites Magento, pois permite que eles controlem a jornada do cliente fornecendo experiências personalizadas ricas em conteúdo. Essa colaboração ajudará os proprietários de lojas de comércio eletrônico a aproveitar os melhores serviços de gerenciamento e personalização de conteúdo junto com o diversas funcionalidades do Magento eCommerce. A importância da personalização no eCommerce pode ser entendida a partir da declaração de Tom Erickson, CEO da Acquia como

“O comércio como nós conhecemos mudou, e o imperativo emergiu para que marcas e comerciantes forneçam experiências poderosas e personalizadas”. Ele afirmou ainda que “Acquia e Magento combinam os melhores atributos de desenvolvimento de código aberto – agilidade, velocidade, inovação e segurança. Juntos, estamos colocando o poder de volta nas mãos de comerciantes e marcas para permitir que eles controlem cada pixel da experiência em todo o viagem do cliente.”

Impact of this business collaboration on B2B and B2C merchants

The coming together of Magento and Acquia is one of the good things that has happened in the eCommerce industry in the recent times. Take a quick look below to understand how it can be of great help in the present eCommerce scenario.

Offers wide scale personalization-

This partnership has helped in providing context based real time experiences to customers irrespective of the device or channel used by them.

Improves decision making process-

With this collaboration, it is now easy to implement and manage the content-rich eCommerce experiences for any store.

Enhanced authority to marketers-

Now, the marketing team can work more closely with the merchants to offer a detailed content-rich digital experiences and help in merchandising activities.

Great flexibility-

This business collaboration has offered a wide range of flexibility to numerous eCommerce sites to fulfill any market conditions and expectations.

To get a better insight about this partnership in terms of eCommerce, check out this statement of Mark Lavelle, CEO of Magento Commerce

“At the heart of this partnership is a shared open-source heritage and vision for delivering on next-generation commerce and customer experiences that are unprecedented for the industry.” He further elaborated that “The combined power of our respective technologies and our thriving global ecosystems will allow our customers to drive unbridled innovation, engage consumers like never before, and pave the way for the commerce experiences of tomorrow.”

For ensuring a better Magento eCommerce experience, Acquia and Magento have integrated the Drupal CMS with Acquia Lift solutions to deliver personalized eCommerce solutions to customers. It can help in bringing content, commerce, and context at one place for simplifying the customer journey. Some of the companies that are working to utilize this new business collaboration are MRM//McCann and Optaros, Third & Grove, Born Group, Inviqa, and HS2.

This collaboration was announced by Acquia Chief Product Officer, Chris Stone and CEO of Magento, Mark Lavelle at the Acquia Engage, which is an annual customer conference. For more details about this business collaboration, check out this ligação.

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