oMagento Anterior produto seguinte?is an addon which when enabled makes changes in the product page by adding two buttons at each side of the product to let the customer navigate to the previous and the next product of the current product. It also has the feature of navigating from the keyboard arrow keys and in case of mobile has the feature of the swiping in the product page and then navigating through the products.
Etapas para a instalação de
Siga os seguintes passos para instalar o Magento paginator Module:
1.?Download the?Extensão do Magento Marketplace?package.
2.?Unzip the package on your root folder of Magento setup via FTP manager (like Filezilla or WinSCP ? download here:
3.?In Admin Panel go to System > Knowband Extensions > Prev Next Product.
4.?That is all ? Your system is ready.
Configurações gerais
As configurações gerais da navegação Magento tem as seguintes opções:
- Ativo:?This field of the Magento previous product enables or disables the plugin on the store front.
- Use as setas:?This option of Magento next product is to enable for the navigation by using keyboard keys.
- Texto no botão anterior:?In this field of Previous next product Magento, the admin can set text which is to be displayed on previous button.
- Texto no botão Avançar:?This field of Magento extension allows the admin to set the text which is to be displayed on next button.
- Select Button Type:?The admin can choose the type of button of the Magento previous next product navigation whether the image or button.
- Display Image:?This feature of Magento previous next product Enable to display image on button.
- Show Text on button:?Enable to show the text on button of the Magento paginator.
- Cor do fundo do botão:?Set the background color of the Magento navigation button.
- Cor da borda do botão:?This field of Magento previous product, sets the border color of the button.
- Botão Cor do texto:?Set the text color of the Magento Extension.
- Display product image on hover:?This feature of Magento next product is to enable the display previous/next product image on hover.
- CSS customizado:?The previous next product Magento extesnion has the option to add their own css code.
- Include JQuery File:?This field of Magento previous next product navigation offers the admin to enable if the current theme does not have the jquery file.
Store Front:
After enabling this Magento previous next product plugin the product page in the front of the shop will change a bit as the two buttons will be added in the side of the product.
The Magento paginator module at the front-end appears as follows:
Find more details about this Prestashop plugin by Knowband below:
Link do Módulo:
Demonstração de administrador:
Demonstração Frontal: