Prestashop Abandonn? Panier

Avec ce module install sur votre server web, vous pourrez faire l’exp rience de baisse vers le bas dans le panier taux d’abandon. En envoyant des courriels de rappel, vous serez en mesure de suivi avec les Perspektiven qui n’a pas r ussi compl ter l’achat et ont quitt leur panier Avoidn . Prestashop Abandonn […]

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Win-Back Abandoned Carts on your Magento Store with the Help of Magento Abandoned Cart Alert Extension


There is not any sure-shot guarantee that every visiting customer on your site can actually get converted into a potential buyer. There are chances that he/she may leave a website due to multiple reasons. Some of these reasons can be slow loading website, complicated checkout process, cluttered website design, difficult navigation movement, high product prices, […]

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PrestaShop Abandoned Cart Module for Higher Conversion on your PrestaShop Store


shopping cart abandonments can let your eCommerce business down that can drastically affect your sales.  This not only affects your brand reputation but also the trust of your loyal customers. You can’t guess which element on your eCommerce store might work against you and can turn away your potential customers from your site. Abandoned Carts […]

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