Firebase Cloud Messaging API (HTTP v1) and What It Means for Your Android App!

Update Your Android App for Firebase Cloud Messaging API -Knowband

In the ever-evolving world of mobile app development, staying updated with the latest technological changes is crucial. Recently, Firebase, a powerful platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications, introduced significant changes to its Cloud Messaging API. This update impacts how Android apps handle push notifications, necessitating adjustments to ensure seamless functionality. Therefore, […]

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Prestashop Web Development: Delidel Custom Web Development and the Knowband Journey!!

Prestashop Web Development: Delidel Custom Web Development and the Knowband Journey!!

In the fast-paced digital world, a strong online presence is vital for business success. Not only the competition is extremely high in the market. But also, the growth of an eCommerce business varies on different factors. For example, business customer base, website usability, and features offered by an eCommerce website play a major role in […]

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The Remarkable Voyage of Knowband with AraEstetic: Mobile App Development!

The Remarkable Voyage of Knowband with AraEstetic: Mobile App Development!

Starting an online business in the eCommerce industry requires a unique combination of dreams and dedication. In today’s digital age, where technology reigns supreme, over half of shopping activities occur on the Internet. It is within this expansive digital landscape that countless success stories have unfolded. And are showcasing the power of entrepreneurial spirit and […]

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Knowband’s Incredible Journey with Little-Cecile: Mobile App Development!!

Knowband’s Incredible Journey with Little-Cecile: Mobile App Development!!

Starting an eCommerce-based online business requires a unique blend of dreams and dedication. In the modern era, where technology reigns supreme, over 50% of total shopping activities take place on the Internet. It is within this boundless digital landscape that countless success stories have unfolded. Showcasing the power of entrepreneurial spirit and the triumph of […]

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Importance of Website Security and HTTPS for Search Rankings

importance of website security and HTTPS for search rankings.

Website security and HTTPS are crucial elements for businesses and individuals who want to maintain the safety and privacy of their online interactions. Website security protects against cyber-attacks and malicious activities. Not only it saves you from compromising sensitive data and harm reputation but also protects you against leading to financial losses. HTTPS, on the […]

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Major Advantages of Using Mobile Apps for Your eCommerce Business


Everything, including services, products, and even supplies, had to be appropriate for portable devices like cell phones and tablets because the number of mobile users has surpassed the number of desktop users globally. It’s increasingly essential to design for mobile. Owning a mobile app is currently considerably more advantageous than having a responsive website if […]

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