How Gamification Increases Customer Engagement on Your eCommerce Store

How to Use Gamification on Your eCommerce Store

Gamification is a term that has gain popularity recently. It is a common marketing strategy to promote interaction and to get people excited about otherwise boring tasks. Ok, and guess what? You can add gamification to an eCommerce website with ready-made plugins, thanks to the amazing modules. For all its quality, modern marketing has a few shortcomings. […]

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Six Types of eCommerce Customers and How to Satisfy Them: Pro Tips

Six-Types-of-eCommerce-Customers and how to satisfy customers

Online shopping is increasing, and customers who are enamoured with eCommerce sites spend countless hours researching the goods they want. There are some very popular quotes which make shopping, therapy, cardio or a hobby. It makes evident just how fixated people can be. There are many different types of eCommerce customers, therefore business owners need […]

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Keep Spinning, Keep Winning


Most of the customers prefer to shop online rather than visiting the physical store. The best part about online shopping is the deal and discounts that customers can avail on their favorite products. The convenience, ease of shopping and alluring discounts has led to a tremendous increase in the number of online buyers. This has […]

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