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3 Reasons Why Age Verification is Important for your Online Business

According to a report by Pew Research Center, it is revealed that almost 93% of teens aged between 12–17 have access to the Internet. With such huge numbers of teens going online regularly, online businesses have started taking the responsibility to prevent children from seeing explicit content. Hence, they do so by setting up the age verification process on their websites. Online age verification is important to restrict the underage from browsing age-restricted content and prevent any law-breaking.

The easy access to age-restricted content by children has become a major concern for parents, teachers, and e-retailers. Many e-commerce platforms deal with alcohol selling, and tobacco selling. If a minor gets access to such websites/stores, it can create serious problems.

Why does Your Store need Age Verification Module?

It is more crucial than ever to safeguard our children. While age-restricted commerce continues to expand, keep the goods and services meant for adults out of reach of kids. Hence, strong online age verification is essential to weed out people who are underage and stop any illegal activity.

Online businesses can stop children from viewing sexual information or buying things intended for adults by strictly enforcing the Age-verification set up on the web store. It would help in keeping away the underage from such stores.

Most of the time, it is unavoidable to block access for users under a certain age if a site owner offers age-oriented products or has some explicit content on their website. Hence, it becomes a concern for the site owners to inform the visitors about the site content before their access.  It would help the visitors to learn about the content and products offered by the seller. Also, they can redirect them accordingly.

If your eCommerce store contains any explicit content you can try out the Age Verification module by Knowband. This module presents an age verification popup as soon as a visitor enters your store and asks them to confirm their age. Only after the age entered is found suitable to browse the store, permission is granted. Knowband offers the Age verification module for Prestashop and OpenCart eCommerce platforms. Do visit to check their complete features and benefits. that you wish to display to people of a certain age only,

Top 3 Reasons Why Age Verification is Important for your Online Business.

1) Filtering the Visitors

By setting up the Age verification process on your online store, you can filter out the eligible visitors for your product. When visitors are asked to confirm their age, it gives a clear message that the content they are trying to view is age-restricted. A wise teen would understand this and leave your store.

2) To comply with the law

The age verification procedure must be in place in your store if you deal with goods that must only be purchased by those who are over a certain age. This is by the law. Failing to follow the age verification system can result in legal penalties, worse can be imprisonment.

3) Keeping the minors off your store

With a high rise in Internet users, e-merchants must keep minors away from their store, if it contains adult products. Online access to improper products for children can hurt their thinking. Thus could get worse down the road. Hence, this is why age verification becomes mandatory today.

Age Verification Module by Knowband

The Age Verification module developed by Knowband is one of the best solutions available to restrict accessibility. You can keep away underage users from exploring explicit content. It is not the only feature, but it lets you customize the entire age verification popup. Along with the custom title and content, it also helps the user to read the privacy policy before entering your website.

It lets you verify age in 3 ways. It has DOB verification, Year of Birth verification, and a Yes/No option for the users if they are adults or not. The business owner can apply a filter to the website visitors based on their age with the aid of this Age Verification Popup module. Installing and configuring the popup 18+ module is quite simple. Technical expertise is not necessary.


An essential component of online safety is the urgent necessity to notify users about the site’s content and offerings. So, online businesses that contain explicit content but do not follow the age verification process on their store can find themselves in big trouble for allowing underage, access to age-restricted content. Thus, it will not only create law-related problems but would also damage the reputation of your store. Additionally, you can receive a fine.

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