Knowband Blog | Ecommerce Modules

How to Delete Products from the Catch Marketplace?

Objective of the blog

After reading this blog, you will be able to understand how a seller can delete products from the catch marketplace.

Methods to delete Products from the catch marketplace

You can delete products from the catch marketplace by two methods:

  1. By deleting manually from merchant account
  2. By Using Offer Feed

1.0 Delete manually from merchant account

2.0 Using Offer Feed

You can delete the products in bulk from the Catch marketplace using offer feed. You can download the sample offer feed from the link given below:

Click Here to download offer feed

In this feed, you need to fill the data in the following fields:

  1. SKUs:  Enter the SKU which you want to delete
  2. update-delete:  Enter  “DELETE” in this column.
  3. club-catch-eligible: Enter FALSE
  4. tax-au: 0

After creating the feed, you need to upload the feed on the catch merchant account. The steps are given below:


After reading this document you (seller) can easily delete your products from the Catch marketplace.