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Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Extension – User Manual

1.0 Introduction

Infinite scrolling loads web page content continuously as the user scrolls down the web page. Basically, infinite scrolling is the technique of web design to eliminates pagination from the website. Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Extension by Knowband does the same. It removes the pagination and page reload functionality from the website and make navigation easier for your Magento store visitors to view the next set of products without reloading the web page.

1.1 Features of Magento 2 quick scroll extension:

  1. Magento 2 Infinite Scroll extension replaces the pagination system from the website.
  2. Magento 2 fast scroll extension reduces the load time of the website.
  3. Store admin can enable or disable the Magento 2 infinite scroll module in a single button click.
  4. Magento 2 quick scroll extension offers sandbox testing option to the admin. After enabling this store admin needs to enter the specific IP address to test the module.
  5. Infinite scroll for Magento 2 extension serves better user experience.
  6. Magento 2 fast scroll module optimizes the navigation of the site.
  7. The admin can specify the number of pages after which, “Load More” will be shown. Store admin can also adjust the loader speed.
  8. Store admin can display end page message after the completion of the product listing.
  9. Magento 2 endless scroll extension works smoothly with list views as well as the grid view.
  10. Store admin can set the background color and text color of the end page message and go to the top link.
  11. Magento2 infinite scroll module offers the store admin to add the selector setting.
  12. Magento 2 infinite scroll module is mobile responsive.

2.0 Installation Steps of Infinite scroll for Magento 2 Extension:

The steps to install the Magento 2 quick scroll extension are mentioned below:

1. Buy the Infinite scroll for Magento 2 extension from Knowband. You can download the extension package.

2. The package has a zipped file that contains the user manual and the source code of Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Extension. Unzip the package.

3. Create a folder {Magento root}/app/code/Knowband/Infinitescroll

4. Upload the extracted content in the above folder via FTP manager (like Filezilla or WinSCP – download here:

5. Now run below commands to install the Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Extension:

php -f bin/magento module:enable –clear-static-content Knowband_ Infinitescroll
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

php bin/magento cache:clean

6. The extension is now installed and ready for use. In Admin Panel go to “Knowband Extensions > Infinite Scroll”.

You can now configure and use the Magento 2 Infinite Scroll extension.

3.0 Admin Interface

Magento 2 fast scroll extension offers following interfaces to be configured:

  1. General Settings
  2. Look and Feel Settings
  3. Selector Settings
  4. Sandbox Settings

Below is the detailed description of every setting:

3.1 General Settings

From this tab, store admin can adjust the general settings of the Magento 2 infinite scroll module.

a. Infinite Scrolling

b. Load More Link


3.2 Look and Feel Settings

From this tab, the store admin can adjust the background and text color of the message box and go to top link.

3.3 Selector Settings:


1. Don’t forget to add ‘#’ before id element and ‘.’ before the class element.
2. If you are not familiar with these selector elements please do not edit them.

3.4 Sandbox Settings:

The Sandbox Settings tab of the Magento 2 infinite scroll extension offers the admin to test the extension before implementing it on the site.

4.0 Store Front-end

The Magento 2 endless scroll extension will be enabled on the whole website where pagination occurs. The  Infinite scroll for Magento 2 extension would appear at the front as follows:

End page message and top link:

Find more details about this Infinite scroll for Magento 2 below:

Magento 2 endless scroll extension Admin Demo

Magento 2 fast scroll extension Extension Front Demo

“Also, explore more Magento 2 Extensions for your store.”