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Magento 2 Share and Win Extension – User Manual

1.0 Introduction

In order to improve products visibility and brand awareness, it is important to motivate the users to share the products on the social media platforms. The eCommerce store admin can implement Magento 2 share and win extension offered by Knowband and provide compelling reasons to the customers to share the products in their social account. Magento 2 share and get discount module allows the e-merchant to offer fixed or percentage based discount to the customers for sharing the store product on Facebook.

The online customers and store visitors can share the product on Facebook and get exciting offers. The admin can promote the products and brands just by offering discount coupon code with the help of this Magento 2 share and get the discount module. The coupons can be used to get discounts while shopping. The admin can select all the products or selective products to show the Facebook sharing option. In the product statistics section, the admin can view the details of coupon codes from the admin interface of this Magento 2 facebook share option. The store admin can even track whether the generated coupon code was used by the customer or not.

1.1 Admin Features

1.2 Admin Benefits

2.0 Installation

After purchasing Magento 2 share and win extension, the store admin will get the following files:
1. which contain source code of the Magento 2 share and get the discount module.
2. User Manual which includes all the details and helps regarding the extension.

The steps to install the Magento 2 Social sharing extension are mentioned below:

1. Buy the Facebook share and get the discount module from Knowband. You can download the extension package.
2. The package has a zipped file that contains the user manual and the source code of Facebook share and get the discount module. Unzip the package.
3. Create a folder{Magentoroot}/app/code/Knowband/Shareandwin
4. Upload the extracted content in the above folder via FTP manager (like Filezilla or WinSCP – download here:
5. Now run below commands to install the plugin:
php -f bin/magento module:enable –clear-static-content Knowband_Shareandwin
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
6. The extension is now installed and ready for use. In Admin Panel go to “Knowband Extensions >Share and Win”.
You can now configure and use the Knowband Product share and win plugin.

3.0 Admin Interface

The Magento 2 eCommerce store admin can easily manage the Admin interface of the Share and Win extension. After installing the Magento 2 share on Facebook wall plugin the admin can view the below mentioned “submenu” under the “Share and Win” menu:

With the help of these available configuration options, the store admin can showcase a Facebook sharing button on the product pages.

3.1 General Settings

1. Enable the Extension: The eCommerce store admin can activate or deactivate the functionality just by a single click on this option.

2. Enable for all Products: The Magento 2 share and win extension allows the e-merchant to show Facebook sharing option on every product page or selected product pages. The admin can enable or disable the option as per the requirement.

3. Enable Discount Limit: The admin can activate or deactivate the discount settings.

4. Limit value: The eCommerce store owner can set the limit on the number of discounts according to the requirements. If the eCommerce store owner sets the limit 20, that means a customer can get discount 20 times for a product. That customer will not get the discount 21’s time for the same product. Thus the admin can enter the limit value for generating coupon per product per customer.

5. Layout: The Magento 2 Facebook share option allows the e-merchant to select the preferred layout. There are two different layouts for displaying the product sharing option.

The admin can also select the layout 2 which will be shown as below mentioned image.

6. Facebook App ID: Enter Facebook app id here in order to connect the webpage with the Facebook. In order to get Facebook app id please refer section 3.1.1.

7. Select the Discount type: The store owner can set the discount type in percentage or fixed amount.

8. Discount Value: The store admin can set the discount value from the admin interface.

9. Discount Validity: The store owner can set the discount validity duration.

10. Custom CSS: The eCommerce store owner can add custom CSS code for further customization from this menu option of Facebook share and get discount module.

3.1.1 Steps to generate Facebook app ID

3.2 Product List

In the Product list sub-menu, the e-merchant can add those products on which he wants to show sharing button with a specific discount. Here, The store owner can add new products, update the settings and remove the products from product list.

The admin can select the specific products on which he wants to display sharing option and provide different discount.

3.2.1 How to add Products for Showing the Facebook sharing option?

The admin needs to click on the “add new” option. Here, the eCommerce store owner can apply the settings to display sharing option on a particular product page.

1. Select the category: The admin can select the category first of all.

2. Select the Product: The admin can now select the particular product on which he wants to show the sharing button.

3. Discount type: After selecting the product the admin can view the discount type option. The admin can set the fixed or percentage based discount.

4. Discount value: The admin can set the discount value as per the need.

5. Discount validity: The store admin can also set the discount validity. The admin can set the number of days for which the coupon will be valid.

6. Enable: The admin can enable or disable the option. If the admin disables this option, then, no Facebook sharing button will be displayed on that particular page.

3.2.2 How to Delete Products from the Product list?

The eCommerce store owner can remove the products from the product list for which he doesn’t want to display the social sharing option anymore.

The admin just needs to click on the “remove” button.

3.2.3 How to update the Products for Showing sharing option?

The store owner just needs to click on the “edit” button for updating the settings. After that he needs to follow the same configuration option as followed in “add new product” configuration.

3.3 Product Statistics

The store owner can easily view the details of the customers if the coupon codes has been applied or not. The Product statistics option provides the coupon related details to the customers. The admin can view the customers email id and coupon codes and it’s status.

4.0 Front-end Interface

The customers can easily view the Facebook sharing option in the front-end interface. The Product share and win plugin shows product sharing option for the configured product pages.

The customers can click on the “get discount” option. After that they can share the particular product on Facebook.

After sharing the product on Facebook, they get the coupon code with validity details.

The online customers can apply the coupon code at the checkout page, as shown below:

Thus the store customer can get discount by sharing the product on Facebook.

For more details about this Magento 2 share and win extension visit:

Knowband Magento 2 share on Facebook wall plugin module link.

Knowband Magento 2 facebook share option admin demo link.

Knowband Facebook share and get discount module front demo link.

Please contact us at for any query or custom change request as per your business requirement.