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Magento Auto Subscribe Extension– User Manual


Knowband offers Magento Auto Subscribe extension which allows the store admin to showcase a subscription form on the eCommerce store. This Auto Subscribe integration addon helps the store admin for collecting mail id for the newsletter and also sends it to the customers. Newsletters are one of the best ways to improve the brand awareness of a website.

Magento mail chimp extension automatically subscribes customers when they register or place an order. Magento newsletter subscribe is highly customizable and it offers an easy and effective way of improving subscribers. It automatically synchronizes admin’s Magento newsletter list with one of his/her Constant Contact list and MailChimp account.


Steps For Installation of Magento Auto Subscribe

Admin Settings

To access Autosubscribe plug-in, go to System->Auto-Subscribe link.

Store admin will have various settings options categorized in the left column as follows:

Subscriber Box Settings

Admin can customize the subscription box to be displayed in store front by using the following settings option available.

We have also added the code snippet of module in case admin wants to add the subscription box manually on CMS or any other page.

Color Scheme

We have added the color picker option to set the background color and text color for different sections of subscription box.

Pop up Settings

Admin can customize the pop up box too. If this box is enabled then it will show on home page only.

MailChimp Settings

In this tab, admin can choose from the lists in his/her MailChimp account where emails should be added. Initially a message will be displayed like Invalid API Key! .

MailChimp API key: Admin needs to enter API key to fetch lists from his/her account. As soon as admin enters the key and clicks outside the text box or press enter button, request is sent and lists (if any) are fetched and displayed in a drop down box.

Constant Contact Settings

In this tab, admin can choose from the lists in his/her Constant Contact account where emails should be added. Initially a message will be displayed like Invalid API Key! .

Constant Contact API key: Admin needs to enter API key. As soon as admin enters the key and clicks outside the text box, request is sent and lists (if any) are fetched and displayed in a drop down box.

Constant Contact Access Token: Admin needs to enter access token along with API Key. As soon as admin enters the token and clicks outside the text box, request is sent and lists (if any) are fetched and displayed in a drop down box.

Auto Subscribe Events

Auto-subscribe events are the events on which the users can be subscribed to the configured lists in admin automatically. On such events, user will not be notified of being added to the subscription lists you have chosen in admin.

Register: Turn Register to on, if you want a user to be automatically added to your list on successful registration.

Checkout: Turn Checkout to on, if you want a user to be automatically added to your list on successful checkout.

Guest Checkout: Turn Guest Checkout to on, if you want a user to be automatically added to your list on successful guest checkout.

Email Settings

Email settings will be used to set the email template that will send to customer after successful subscription. Admin can disable/enabled the email if he don’t want to send the email to customer.

JQuery Settings

Admin can disable the plugin jQuery file in case jQuery is already included by any other plugin or store theme.

Auto-subscribe Module

On the front end, users will have the option to subscribe themselves by clicking on subscribe button. The module will look like following screen with default settings.

In Right Column

In left column

Pop up

On the users end, pop up will appear something like this screen below, depending upon your chosen display settings.

To subscribe through this pop up, type in your email (required) and name (optional), and then click on the button below. On successful subscription, either the pop up will disappear automatically or a custom message provided by you in admin settings will start appearing on the pop up.

PHP version

Php version 5.3 or greater

To access the API of constant contact, one must use the php version equal or higher than 5.3 . Unless your server is running the required php version, you will not be able to successfully install this plugin.

Mail Chimp

Before you may use this module, you must have a valid account with MailChimp and one or more lists created into it. Note that, you must also have the access right to alter your email subscribers list. Below we have mentioned the data which plugin needs for successful installation –

API Key: You can obtain your API key from your MailChimp dashboard, or you can create one if you don’t have one already. To create a new API key for MailChimp go to Account->Extras->API Keys.

Constant Contact

You need to have a valid account with constant contact and one or more lists created into it. Note that, you must also have the access right to alter your email subscribers list. You will need to provide these for this module to work.

In case you are still facing problem with getting your API Key and Access Token, please follow the instructions as mentioned in link

Note that, this plug-in works for constant contact API version 2 since version 1 is deprecated and will soon be discontinued.

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Please contact us at for any query or custom change request as per your business requirement.