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Magento Preferred Delivery Time Extension – User Manual

1.0 Introduction

Now deliver products to your customer’s convenience by letting them choose the delivery date and time. Yes, a great way to gain customer loyalty and ensuring a positive buying experience for your online shoppers is Magento Preferred Delivery Time extension by Knowband. This eCommerce plugin provides flexible delivery options which leads to a convenient and seamless shopping experience for the customers. The Magento Order Delivery Date and Time Extension allows the customers to choose a desired date and time slot for their order delivery.
This Delivery date extension for Magento site helps e-merchant in defining their date schedule and adding multiple delivery time slots for their store customers. Preferred order delivery is one of the key elements of online shopping and the store merchants can conveniently control the order delivery settings for desired weekdays using Magento Preferred Delivery Time plugin. The order delivery date and time options offered by the site admin are visible to the customers in their order view at the checkout page. Further, the selected preferred delivery time can be updated by the customer within the allowed time limit set by the merchant.

1.1 Striking Features of Delivery date extension for Magento

This Magento Order Delivery Date and Time Extension offers you various features which are easily customizable from the backend admin panel. The delivery date and time settings can be configured in accordance with the website type and requirements. The key features of Magento Preferred Delivery Time extension have been listed below.

1.2 Technology for Development

Language: PHP
Frame Work: Magento

2.0 Installation Guide for Magento Preferred Delivery Time Extension

The site admin can follow these simple steps for installing the Magento Preferred Delivery Time extension on their store:

1. First of all download the extension package from the Knowband store.
2. You will get a zipped file containing the source code and user manual. Unzip the package on the root folder of your Magento setup via FTP manager (like Filezilla or WinSCP – download here: You’ll find the files and folders as shown in the image below:

The Magento Preferred Delivery Time plugin is now installed and ready for use. Now the admin can configure this extension for their Magento site.

3.0 Admin Interface of Magento Time Slot Delivery module

Just after successful installation of Magento time slot delivery module on your website, you can configure the preferred delivery settings as per your needs. In the Admin Panel, go to System > Knowband Extensions > Preferred Delivery Time.

This Knowband extension offers a simple interface consisting of General Settings discussed below.

3.1 General Settings

The General Settings of Magento Preferred Delivery Time extension consists of the following configuration options:

Enable the extension: Admin can enable/disable the functionality of Magento Preferred Delivery Time extension using the toggle switch provided at the backend.
Delivery Days Gap: Admin can set the days gap(in days) which specifies the gap of delivery dates from the date of order.
Allow Time Slot: Admin can enable/disable this setting depending if they want to show the preferred delivery time slot to the customer.
Time Slot Range: You can set the time slot (in hrs) which specifies the time range from start delivery time to end delivery time.
Start Delivery Time: Admin can set the start time when they want to allow order delivery in 12 hrs format.
End Delivery Time: Similarly, Admin can set the end time in 12 hrs format.
Allow incomplete Time range: Admin can enable or disable this setting if they want to show incomplete time range on the frontend.

Maximum Calendar Days: You can set the maximum count of days which will be available to the user as preferred delivery date.
Delivery not available during these days: You can also select the days for which no delivery is available to the customers.
Allow to select preferred delivery: You an enable or disable this setting for delivery date and time field. If disabled, preferred delivery date and time will be marked as mandatory fields.
Allow Post Order Delivery Update: You can allow your customers to update preferred delivery time even after order is placed by enabling or disabling this option.
Select Order Status: Admin can select the order status which will be required to allow post order delivery update.
Enter Time Limit: Admin can limit the time duration (in hours) under which the customer can update the preferred delivery time details.

Hint Text: Admin can display this short text which can be any kind of additional information the merchant wants to display in preferred delivery section of order view page.
Mail Template: The delivery time confirmation email sent to the customer can be customized from the backend section.
Send mail with Order Confirmation: If this setting is enabled, then an order delivery confirmation mail is sent to the customer on their registered email.

After all the settings of time slot delivery module have been done, click on the “Save” button shown at the top right corner of admin panel to save the module settings.

4.0 Front Interface of Magento Order Delivery Date and Time Extension

At the time of checkout, customers can select the desired date and time as per their convenience to receive the order. They can choose a date as an expecting order delivery date among the available dates provided by the merchant. Further, they can choose a preferred time slot and can complete the other checkout information fields. Once the order is placed, a confirmation email specifying the order delivery date and time is sent to the customer.


In a case, the customer want a change in the order delivery date/time, they can update the delivery date/time from the order view page in their account section.

Just after the delivery details have been updated and saved, a delivery date and time slot update message is displayed on the front.