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Knowband Magento Product Video Extension – User Manual


Product Video is an extension which can be used to assign videos to a product and show them on the product view page. The Store admin can assign unlimited videos for a product. Each video can be set to active or inactive individually. One video can also set as default video. Videos on the front page are shown inside a division and queued in the form of a slider. Admin has the option to select videos from “YouTube”, “Vimeo” and “Dailymotion”. Admin can also choose the location of the videos to be shown on the product view page.



Follow the following steps for installing Product Video Module:

User Manual

This User Manual Guide users through the Admin Module/Store Front settings and features of the Product Video Module.

Admin Panel Settings

Admin Panel Settings contains the 4 tabs for settings.

1. General Settings

The General Settings has following options:

2. YouTube Settings

This tab is used to change the settings of the youtube videos shown in front. It has following options:

3. Vimeo Settings

Vimeo Settings tab is used to change the settings for Vimeo videos. It has the following options:

4. Dailymotion Settings

Dailymotion video settings can be changed from here. It has following options:

Admin Panel Video Settings

Admin Panel Video Settings contains the following options/features.

1. Product Video Tab

When the module is enabled from the “General Settings” tab in admin panel, the “Product Video” tab is added in the options bar shown in the left panel of product edit page.

When this tab is clicked a table is displayed. This table contains details of all the videos assigned to that product. We can add new videos, edit existing videos and delete them.

2. Add Video

To add new video click on the “Add New” button shown in the table head area. When we click this button, a new form openes where we have to fill the details of the new video. Add new video form has following fields:

Example –

Full URL of the video can also be given.

3. Edit Video

To edit a video details, click on the “Edit” link provided in the last of every table row. When we click on the “Edit” link a new page is opened. Edit page provides a form which is filled already by current values and we can change those values.

Edit page has the same options as the add page but the only difference is that by default the values are filled in the Edit page.

4. Delete and Mass Delete

These options provide the functionality to remove assigned video(s).

If you want to remove only one video from the list, then go to the video table and click on the “Delete” link shown in the front of every row, the respective video will be deleted.

If you want to remove/delete multiple videos at a time then check the checkbox for the video that you want to remove and then click in the “Delete Selected” button to delete all the checked videos.

These both actions cannot be undone.

Store Front

If the module is enabled, and at least one video is active then the video box is shown on the product view page. The location of the box depends upon the settings given in admin panel. The video box is not shown in following cases:

The module at the front-end appears as follows:

Module at footer area.

Module at the right column.

For more details:

Module Link:

Watch Video:

Admin Demo Link:

Front Demo Link:

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