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Magento Shipping Timer extension – User Manual

1.0 Introduction

Knowband offers Magento Shipping Timer extension by which the online store admin can offer same day delivery to the online users. The Countdown timer extension for Magento implements the functionality to show a countdown timer on the website product pages. The online user has an option to get that product on the same day by confirming their order within the provided time. The online store owner can set the start time and end time for setting the duration of this countdown timer.

The Countdown timer module for Magento is highly customizable and helps the online merchant to get more conversions without any extra efforts. The Magento Countdown timer allows the admin to apply restriction on countries, categories and products for not showing the countdown timer. The admin can also select the vacation dates from the admin interface of this Magento Shipping module.

1.1 Basic Features of this Magento Shipping Timer extension

  1. By using this Magento Shipping Timer plugin, the online store admin can insert a countdown timer on the website product pages.
  2. Admin is allowed to set the time duration for this countdown timer. The e-merchant can set the start and finishing time from the admin interface of Countdown timer extension for Magento.
  3. The Magento store owner can restrict the countries, categories and products from the admin interface if he doesn’t want to show a countdown timer on these products, categories and countries.
  4. The Magento Shipping module allows setting vacation days for not offering same day delivery offer.
  5. The e-merchant can also set the weekdays on which he wants to show countdown timer.
  6. The admin can show a banner to the customers for providing information about the remaining time to grab the same day delivery offer.
  7. The admin can increase conversions and profit without any complicated process.
  8. The Magento Shipping Timer module allows showing an error message on the cart page if the customer adds any product which cannot be delivered on the same day.
  9. The Magento Shipping module is multi-lingual compatible.
  10. The Countdown timer extension for Magento is mobile responsive also.

2.0 Installation

The online store merchant can install the Countdown timer extension for Magento easily by following these steps:

  1. Download the extension package from the Knowband store.
  2. After downloading the extension package, you will get a zipped file. Unzip the package on the root folder of Magento setup via FTP manager (like Filezilla or WinSCP – download here: The admin will find the files and folders as shown in the image below:



3. The extension is now installed and ready for use. In the Admin Panel, go to “System > Knowband Extensions >Magento Shipping Timer extension”.

Now, the store admin can now use and configure the Magento Shipping Timer extension.

3.0 User Manual

After installing the Countdown timer extension for Magento, the admin will get several customization options. By applying the settings, admin can showcase the countdown timer easily on the website front-end interface. These configuration options will be available for applying the settings:



3.1 General Configuration

In General Configuration, you will get these customization options:

3.1.1 General Settings

In General settings, the admin can apply settings to display a countdown timer on the website product pages.




3.1.2 Countdown Settings

In Countdown Settings, the admin has an option to apply settings for showing a countdown timer on the website front-end interface. There are multiple customization options as shown below:



3.1.3 Banner Settings

Here, the online store admin can apply the banner related settings. The online store merchant can set the banner text and provide countdown timer related details.



3.1.4 Restriction Settings

In this section, the admin can apply the country, category and product-based restrictions. Admin can select the countries, categories and products on which he doesn’t want to display the countdown timer.



3.2 Shipping Orders

In shipping orders, you can view the shipping order details easily. You can view a list of orders with shipping timer and offer same-day shipping for the same.

The e-merchant can click on the “view” button in order to check order details.



4.0 Front-end Interface

The online users can view the shipping timer on the product pages. They can get same day shipping on ordering the product within the provided time.



The customers can view the banner even if count-down timer is not available. This way, they can get an idea about such same day delivery offers.



The online users will get a warning message if they add any product which cannot be shipped on the same day.