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Opencart Admin Orders – User Manual

1.0 How to install the OpenCart Admin Orders plugin on your server?

You must have VQMOD installed for this OpenCart manage order plugin to work. If VQMOD is not installed please download and install from the URL below:

2.0 User Manual

2.1 General Setting Tab

2.2 Disable Form Setting Tab

2.3 Tax Setting Tab

2.4 Totals Section Setting

2.5 Product Section Setting Tab

2.6 Miscellaneous Setting Tab

3.0 Dashboard

To excess Admin Orders in the Opencart order editor by Knowband, navigate to Sales and Click Admin Orders link from the drop-down as shown below.

3.1 Admin Order Dashboard

Admin Orders dashboard of the Opencart admin order displays orders list with an option to create, edit, delete, search, email order, print invoice, print packing slip or export order.

3.2 Order Actions

You can perform the following actions on orders listed in order list:

3.3 Order Search/Filter:

You can search/filter orders according to various order fields in the Opencart manage order such as:

a. Order Date: To search/filter orders in the Opencart backend order according to their creation date, enter order start and end date and click on Filter button as shown in order list action column.
b. Order ID: To search/filter orders according to their order ID, enter order ID and click on filter button as shown in order list action column.
c. Product Name: To search/filter orders according to their product name, enter the product name and click on Filter button as shown in order list action column.
d. Order Total: To search/filter orders according to their total, enter order total range and click on Filter button as shown in order list action column.
e. Order Paid: To search/filter orders according to their paid status, select the value from the drop-down and click on Filter button as shown in order list action column.
f. Order Status: To search/filter orders according to their status, select the value from the drop-down and click on Filter button as shown in order list action column.

3.4 Bulk Status Update

Following steps are involved in updating status of the order in bulk:

4.0 Create Order

Admin Orders Opencart extension allows the administrator to create order on customer behalf. To add a new order, click the “Create Order” button shown at the top of the page.

Following steps are involved in creating a new order from Admin Orders:

4.1. Search Customer

A customer can easily be searched using methods provided in Admin Orders:

4.1.1 Search customer using a textbox

4.1.2 Search customer using the drop-down

4.2 Customer Previous Orders

  1. Order ID
  2. Payment Method
  3. Order Total
  4. Order Status

4.3 Billing and Shipping Address

On selecting a customer, the customer billing and shipping address details are auto-filled, which can be edited.

4.4 Add Product(s):

To apply a coupon to order, select the coupon value from the drop-down as shown above.

To apply the voucher to order, enter the voucher value in the text field and click Apply button.

To apply optional fees/discount to order, enter the optional fees/discount name and value in the text field and click Apply button.

4.5 Order Option Details (Optional)

You can provide the following details for any order such as:

  1. Customer Order Date
  2. Customer Reference Number
  3. Invoice Number
  4. Invoice Date
  5. Currency Selector
  6. Excluded Taxes

4.6 Shipping Method

1. You can select any of the following shipping methods:

4.7 Payment Method

You can select any of the following payment methods:

To make payment using Admin Orders custom payment method, select any method from Admin Orders Custom Payment Methods.

  1. Cash Payment
  2. Credit Card (Offline)
  3. PayPal Email Link
  4. Pending Payment

To make payment using system configured payment method, select any method from Your Configured Payment Methods.

4.8 Comment and Notify Customer

4.9 Notification Mail and Make Payment

  1. A notification mail will be sent to a customer if Notify Customer checkbox is checked which will be containing the link for Order Information page will allow the customer to make payment for their order.
  2. After the payment is successfully processed, the order status will be updated accordingly.

Note: Customer can only be able to make payment for the system configured payment methods.

5.0 New Customer

To add a new customer, click the “New Customer” button shown at the top of the page and provide the necessary details needed for new customer registration.