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PrestaShop COVID-19 Popup Addon -User Manual

1.0 Introduction:

The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected businesses all over the world. Because of this Corona virus, many countries are facing a lockdown situation to stop the virus from spreading. After the lockdown situation, product shipping and delivery services are now more challenging. 

Knowband offers Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module, by which the e-merchants can inform their customers about their shipping and delivery operations status with an Information Popup on their website. On this popup, the store admin can highlight the current status of their store services, can provide links to educate the customers about this pandemic, and can highlight deals and discounts too. The Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module offers a user-friendly interface and is quite easy to use and configure.

1.1 Features of Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker:

  1. Easy to Install and Configure: The Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker can be easily installed and configured. The store admin doesn’t require any advanced technical knowledge is required to do it.
  2. Select Country to Allow Shipping: The Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module allows you to select the countries where you want to allow shipping of your products. You can simply select the countries and save the settings from the admin interface.
  3. Specify Time Interval for Popup: The store admin can select and set the time interval to display the COVID-19 Information Popup again on the Front end of the website.
  4. Restrict Countries for Shipping: From the back office of this module, the admin can add a customizable message for the customers of those countries where you do not ship your products or are not shipping the products due to Corona virus outbreak.
  5. Popup Display Frequency: The store admin can set the display frequency of the COVID-19 Popup from the back office of the module.
  6. Customizable Look and Feel: The store admin can upload or replace the background banner, customize the banner text and text color from the back office of the Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module.
  7. Enable/disable the Module: The module can be enabled or disabled from the admin interface in a single click.

1.2 Merchant Benefits of Free COVID – 19 Information Popup:

  1. The Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module offers COVID-19 Information Popup by which the e-merchant can inform his customers about the current status of the shipping and delivery services of his store.
  2. With this module, the e-merchant can educate his customers about the COVID-19 virus and inform them about the preventive measures to be taken against this pandemic.
  3. The Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module also allows the e-merchant to allow checkout and shipping of the store products only to selected countries where he can actually deliver his services. If the store owner is unavailable to deliver products in a country, the module will show an error message regarding the unavailability of the delivery of product. 

1.3 Customer Benefits of COVID – 19 Information Popup:

  1. With this Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module, the customers get to know about the current status of online store. The module informs the customers if the product is not available for delivery in his country. This way, he is saved from order cancellation issue.
  2. By knowing protective measures through the COVID-19 Information Popup, the customer can save themselves from this pandemic.

2.0 Installation:

After purchasing PrestaShop Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module, the store admin can install the module in very easy and simple steps. The store admin will get the above files while purchasing this Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module:

  1. The zipped file that consists the source code of this Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module.
  2. User Manual

In order to install this Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module, the admin needs to follow these steps:

  1. Now the store owner can install the Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module. As an eCommerce store owner, you can find that in Store Admin -> Modules and Services.

Now you just need to click on “Install” button to install this Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module. A confirmation pop-up will be shown. Click on “Proceed with the installation” option. This step will install the Prestashop Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module and show notification – “Module(s) installed successfully”.

3.0 Admin Interface:

The store admin can easily configure the Free COVID19 Information & Shipping Availability Checker module from the admin interface. After installing the extension, the admin can configure the extension from the ‘Knowband’ tab. The admin interface includes the following categories:

3.1 General Settings:


4.0 Front Office: