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PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing addon- User Manual

1.0 Introduction

Knowband offers PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing module which provides a facility to the store admin to calculate the dynamic prices of any product without any hassle. The online store merchant can allow the customers to customize their order and set product quantity accordingly.

The PrestaShop Dynamic Price management addon automatically calculates the exact customization cost according to the rules applied by the store admin. The Prestashop Customization Price Calculator is a highly customizable and fully-featured module that offers hassle-free rule creation for applying dynamic pricing.

1.1 Features of PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing addon

2.0 Steps for Installation of PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing

Admin will get these files after purchasing this PrestaShop Dynamic Price management from the Knowband website:

1. The zipped file consists of the source code of the PrestaShop Dynamic Product Pricing module.

2. User Manual of this PrestaShop Dynamic Product Pricing addon.

Follow these steps to install the PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing plugin:

First of all, unzip the zipped file which includes some files and folders.

After that, copy the overall content of the folder and paste it into the “Modules” folder of the store’s directory. The admin can follow the path – Root Directory/modules/.

3. Now you can install the PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing addon. You can find that in Store Admin -> Modules and Services. It would be shown as below –

Click on the “Install” button to install the Prestashop Customization Price Calculator extension. A confirmation pop-up will be shown. Click on “Proceed with the installation” option. This step will install the Prestashop Customization Price Calculator plugin and show notification – “Module(s) installed successfully”.

3.0 Admin Settings

In the admin interface, some customization options are available by which the admin can set the dynamic pricing on the website.
The admin will get these customization options for settings:

3.1 Basic Settings

In Basic settings, you will get customization options as shown below:

3.2 Dynamic Pricing Rules

The dynamic pricing rule section displays the list of dynamic pricing rules. One can view the price rule ID, rule name, status, rule creation date and rule update date. Here, the admin can add a new dynamic pricing rule, update any rule or delete the dynamic pricing rule easily.

3.2.1 How to Add a new Dynamic Pricing Rule?

For adding a new dynamic price rule, click on the “Add new” button available Right side on the top of the page as shown below:

After clicking on the “Add new” button, you will view multiple customization options. The customization settings are shown in 4.0 section.

3.2.2 How to Update Dynamic Pricing Rule?

For updating the dynamic price rules, you can click on the edit button as shown below:

3.2.3 How to delete Dynamic Pricing Rule?

Click on the “delete” button for removing any dynamic price rule.

4.0 Dynamic Price Rule Customization

Admin needs to click on the “Add New” button to add a new dynamic price rule as discussed in section 3.2.1. After clicking on this button, the admin can view these customization options:

4.1 Dynamic Price Rule General Settings

For adding a new dynamic price rule, the admin needs to apply settings as described below:

4.2 Fields

In this section, the admin can create different fields for settings the dynamic pricing rules. There are multiple field types available in this PrestaShop Dynamic Product Pricing rule.

  1. User Input
  2. Slider
  3. Dropdown
  4. Radio buttons
  5. Color list
  6. Checkbox
  7. Text
  8. Textarea
  9. Date
  10. Image
  11. Fixed Value
  12. Unit Price
  13. Divider
  14. Color picker

Admin can select field type easily from the admin interface and customize the fields accordingly.

4.2.1 User input Field

After clicking on this option, the admin can view a pop-up as shown below:

Now admin needs to enter these details as required in the popup shown above:

1. Initial value: This will be the default field value.

2. Minimum value: This will be the lowest value of the input field. There will be an error message on the product page If the customer enters any lower value.

3. Maximum value: Enter the maximum field value. The customer cannot enter the larger number.

5. Step: Admin can enter the steps with every click. If the value is 10 then after the next step the value will be 15 in the above-mentioned case.

6. Description: Admin needs to enter field descriptions in different languages. It is mandatory to enter a description in each field.

After enabling the field, it will look like the below-mentioned image:

Now, this field is enabled and can be used in formulas.

4.2.2 Slider Field

Slider field settings are the same as input field settings. The admin can follow the same steps to create the slider field. After set-up the field will look as below:

4.2.3 DropDown Field

You can select DropDown Field in which the customers can select their choice.

Settings are the same as the above-discussed field setting.

On clicking the values option, this pop-up will be shown on the same page. You can enter the dropdown field description and click on the “Add a New Option” button.

After Clicking on the “Add a New Option” button, you can view these options:

4.2.4 Radio Buttons Field

Radio buttons field setting is the same as drop-down field settings. The admin can select this Radio button field and set the name, label and field description.

In the pop-up page, the admin can enter the field description and also add new options.

After clicking on the “Add a New Option”, the admin can enter new options and set their values. You can also make a value as the default value.

4.2.5 Color List

In this colour list field, the admin can set the prices for colour selection. After setting field names and labels in different languages, the admin can click on the value icon for value settings.

On clicking the value icon, a pop-up will open where you can enter the field description and add a new option. Admin can set different values for various colours and also make colour the default colour.

4.2.6 Checkbox

Select the checkbox field from the drop-down list, enter the field name and label. After clicking on the value section, the admin can set the description of this field.

Now, the admin can enable this field from the admin interface of this PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing plugin.

4.2.7 Text

This field setting is also the same as other fields.

After clicking on the value icon, a pop-up will open where you can set these menu options:

4.2.8 Text Area

Text area field settings are similar to text field settings. Admin can apply the settings for getting detailed information.

Admin can enable the field from the admin interface of the PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing addon.

4.2.9 Date

Select the date field from the drop-down list.

After clicking the value button, the admin can set the field description and make it a required field.

4.2.10 Image

Admin can select the image field and apply the settings accordingly.

On clicking the value, the admin can make the field a required field.
Admin can also set the minimum and maximum width along with the maximum size settings.

4.2.11 Fixed Value

Admin can select the fixed value field. It is very easy to set field name, label and field value from the admin interface. The admin can set the fixed value that he wants to use in the formula.

4.2.12 Unit Price

Admin can set the unit price value after selecting this field from the drop-down list available on the admin interface of this PrestaShop Dynamic Price management module. Admin can set per piece price.

4.2.13 Divider

Admin can show a divider by selecting a divider field from the admin interface of this Prestashop Customization Price Calculator addon. This field will divide the page into two parts.

4.2.14 Color picker

Admin can select the color picker field from the drop-down list. The color picker will display below the divider.

Click on the value button for setting the initial value and description of the color picker field. Save the settings and enable the field from the admin interface of this Prestashop Customization Price Calculator module.

The overall list will look as shown below:

Before formula description, you need to know these points:

1. Color Picker, Divider, Date, Text, Text Area fields will not work in any formula.

2. If you delete any field which was included in any formula, then you have to create a new formula without including that field.

4.3 Price Formula

Admin can create a formula for price calculation from the admin interface of this PrestaShop Dynamic Product Price module.

There are +,-,(,),/ and * signs available for calculation.

Admin can also clear the formula and create a new one.

After the formula, setting click on the “save this formula” button.

This formula will calculate the customization cost and show this on the website.

4.4 Weight Formula

This formula will calculate the total customization weight on every customization.

4.5 Quantity Formula

This functionality is available for setting the quantity from the admin interface. Once the admin sets the quantity, the customer can not change the quantity of the products.

After setting the formula, the admin needs to map the categories, products, manufacturers and suppliers. This rule will be applied to those categories, products, manufacturers and suppliers on which admin map it.

After clicking on the link, this page will open:

Select the category, product, manufacturer and supplier that you want to map with this rule. Click on the > button for mapping and < sign for removing it. For moving all the categories, product, manufacturer and supplier, click on the >> and << button.

The store admin needs to save these mapping settings every time.

5.0 Front-end Interface

After formula set-up, the store will display as shown below:

After customers customization, the customization cost will be calculated automatically.

After cost and weight calculation, the values will be set to their default value.

Admin can set the rule priority from the admin interface of this Prestashop Customization Price Calculator module.

It is mandatory to save the rule mapping settings every time.

This way the customers can view their product customization cost on the same product page easily and there is no need to calculate the cost every time. If any store admin is selling products that need required dimensions input from the user i.e wallpapers, flooring tiles, handloom products so the store merchant can use this PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing extension offered by Knowband. The best thing is that the admin needs to apply formulas a single time from the admin interface.

For more details about this PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing module, visit here:

PrestaShop Dynamic Price management module Product page Link

Admin Demo Link of PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing addon

Front-end Demo of PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing addon

Video of PrestaShop Dynamic Pricing addon

Prestashop Customization Price Calculator Module Addon Store Link