Prestashop Free Shipping Manager Addon- User Manual

1.0 Introduction

There are many aspects to manage the online business like: marketing strategy, social media optimization, email marketing- the list goes on and on. Present time most of the online merchants offering free shipping to their customer & they see the result free shipping generates more sale. Knowband offers you a Prestashop Free Shipping Manager Addon.

The Knowband Prestashop Free Shipping manager addon allows the admin to offer free shipping to the customers. Not just this, the admin can even apply shipping charges when the cart value is below a certain limit. All this can be done following few simple customization option at the back end of the admin interface of the module.

The shipping charges are determined by two factors. They are listed below:

  1. The cart value or the total price of the order: The store admin can determine the shipping charges as needed when the cart value of the shopper is below a certain limit. This limit can be set by the store owner himself.
  2. The total weight of the order: The store admin can even charge shipping amount when the weight of the parcel exceeds beyond a certain permissible limit.

1.1 Benefits of Merchant

The Prestashop free shipping manager addon is aimed at making it easier for the store owner to manage the shipping cost of their website. Listed below are some of the objectives that can be achieved by the Prestashop extension:

  1. Terms & Conditions: It allows the store owner to set the terms and conditions for the shipping of the eCommerce store. The admin can offer free shipping or charge an amount as per his wish.
  2. Free Shipping by Price: It allows the store owner to set the price of cart value below this price admin won’t be allowed the Free shipping by price.
  3. Free Shipping by Weight: It allows the store merchant to set the minimum and maximum limit of the weight of the package below this weight they can charge the shipping cost.
  4. Free Shipping by Zone: It allows the PrestaShop admin to select the country where they want to offer free shipping by zone.
  5. Free Shipping by Carrier: It allows the owners to select the carrier option which his/her want to provide the free shipping option.
  6. Look and Feel Settings: In this option admin can change the background color, button color and border color of the free shipping block.
  7. Customer Selection: In this option, Prestashop store merchant can select the customer according to the need.
  8. The Free shipping comples customer to add more product to the shopping cart.
  9. These Prestashop addons motivate customers to spend more time on your website and your customers will feel in control of what they’re spending on.

1.2 Benefits of Customer

  1. This Prestashop Free Shipping manager module shows a block on cart summary which gives the exact information about the condition.
  2. This Prestashop Free Shipping manager extension gives them access to a customer to buy the product with free shipping.

2.0 Installation

After purchasing the Prestashop Free Shipping manager addon, you will get following files as listed below in the apk folder:

  1. (contains source code of the module)
  2. User Manual

In order to install the extension in your Prestashop store follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Unzip the file. It would contain a number of files and folders as shown below

  • Copy the entire content, that is, the files and folders of the unzipped folder. Paste the same into the “Modules” folder of your store’s directory. Follow the below-mentioned address path – Root Directory/modules/.
  • The plugin is all set to be installed in the store. Go to the Store Admin and then to‘Modules and Services’. Your module will be shown as below –

Prestashop Shipping Manager

In case, you are not able to find module in admin modules list, you can do so by searching for it with the details mentioned below-

Prestashop Free Shipping Manager Addon

Keyword – Free Shipping

Category – Front office

Filter By – Installed & Not Installed / Enabled & Disabled

  • Click on the “Install” button just next to your module. It would show a pop-up for your confirmation. Click on “Proceed with the installation” option. This step will install the module and show notification – “Module(s) installed successfully”.

Once the installation is complete, you can get an access to the admin interface of the module by clicking on the “Configure” button.


3.0 Admin Interface

The Prestashop Free Shipping Manager addon is fully configurable. The best thing is the configuration settings can be updated via the admin interface by just clicking the buttons. No code changes are required for the same. The admin interface of the extension has two customization options. They are listed below:

1- Configuration
2- Free Shipping Rule

Prestashop Free Shipping Manager Addon

These options are discussed in detail below:

3.1 Configuration Settings

The ‘configuration’ tab of the Prestashop Free Shipping Manager extension offers the seven options to admin that are shown on image below:

Prestashop Gift Card Manager Extension

3.1.1 Enable the module: In this section admin can enable/disable the module. This can be done with a button toggle as shown below.

Prestashop Free Shippping Manager

Listed below are some of the options that are offered to the store owner by Prestashop Free Shipping Manager Module.

3.1.2 Disable Rule With Voucher

Once this setting is disabled, the free shipping offer will not be applicable even when the voucher is applied.


As it is disabled, the free shipping rule will not be applicable if the voucher is applied on any purchase.

In case, you want to offer free shipping even if any voucher code is applied, then, you can do so by enabling the button.

3.1.3 Display Free Shipping List

The various free shipping methods can be displayed to the visitors on the website. The list will be shown as mentioned in the image below.


However, if the Prestashop store admin wants to remove the feature, he can do so by disabling the button mentioned below.


3.1.4 Background Color

The color picker can help you change the background color of the free shipping display.


You may the color that suits the theme of your Prestashop store.

The message will be displayed in the front end of the website as shown in the image below.


3.1.5 Font Color

The font color of the message that is to be flashed on the website can be picked and set from here.


3.1.5 Border Color

The entire block can be customized as per the requirement of the website. The border color of the box can be selected and changed from color picker as shown in the image below.


3.1.6 Custom CSS

Any custom change in the look and feel of the module can be done from here. The store admin can customize it by entering custom CSS code in the block shown below.


3.2 Free Shipping Rule

The online merchants get full access to change and modify the terms and conditions of shipping method on their website. All this can be done by just filling up few information.

Follow the steps mentioned below in order to make the changes:

Go to “Free Shipping Rule”. You’ll be redirected to the interface where you will get the list of the rules already fixed by you.


In order to add new rules click on the ‘+’ sign on the right end of the page as shown in the image below:


You’ll be redirected to “Add Free Shipping Rule” page.

Listed below are some of the information that you need to enter in order to set the free shipping rules.

  • Enter the Name: Enter the name of the shipping rule. It can be anything as per your convenience.


  • Minimum Amount: Enter the minimum cart value at which you want to offer the free shipping by price options. This facility will be disabled at the store if the minimum amount is ‘0’.


  • Minimum Weight and Maximum Weight: Set the minimum and maximum weight of the parcel beyond which you are looking to charge the shipping cost. Below this limit, the site will by default offer free shipping facility. The weight is to be entered in Kilogram.


  • Tax Exclude: You can include the tax or exclude it from the shipping charges by enabling or disabling the button mentioned below.

Tax Exclude

  • Handling Charge: The merchant can even include the handling charge in the shipping cost by enabling this button. Otherwise, he can leave it disabled.

Handling Charges

  • Additional Shipping Charge: In case of any additional shipping charge, the store owner can enable the button shown in the image below.

Additional shipping charge

  • Zone: The Prestashop Free Shipping Manager Addon even allows the store admin to set free shipping facility as per the geographical location of the customer. The admin can choose the zones where he wants to offer this facility and give the facility to customer to buy the products free shipping by zone.

Free Shipping by zone

  • Carrier: In this section prestashop store admin can select all the carrier options in which you would like to include this facility.

Free Shipping by Carrier

  • Group Access: The store admin can offer the free shipping facility to the Registered Customer, the Visitors or the New Customers as per his wish. Just check the options that you want to include in the feature.


4.0 Website UI

The changes done in the prestashop store back-end will be reflected in the front-end of the website.

4.1 Free Shipping Block

The free shipping block will be shown as mentioned below.


4.2 Free Shipping Limit

In case you have fixed any limit for the offering free shipping than the same will be shown on the cart of the shopper. If the customer select the product below the cart limit this block shows a block on cart summary which gives them the exact information on the condition to fulfill.


4.2 Free Shipping List Display

The entire list of the free shipping methods will be displayed on the website if the functionality is enabled by the store admin. This can provide a better user experience and ensure more transparency during the transaction.


Now you can try Prestashop free shipping manager module for on your Prestashop website. KnowBand Prestashop Free Shipping Manager Addon helps you enagege more customer to your store & increase the customer base.

Module Link:
Video Link:
Admin Demo Link:
Front Demo Link:

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Joe Parker

We boast of the best in the industry plugins for eCommerce systems and has years of experience working with eCommerce websites. We provide best plugins for platforms like - Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart and Shopify. We also provide custom module development and customization services for the website and modules.

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