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PrestaShop Mobile Login/Registration Addon-User Manual

1.0 Introduction

The online store owner can reduce fake registration on the website and make signup/login hasslefree by implementing mobile login feature. Knowband offers Prestashop Mobile Login/Registration addon, which allows the eCommerce store admin to provide mobile registration/login option on the website. The online users can signup using their mobile number along with SMS OTP verification.

With the help of this Login by mobile phone number module, the admin can implement a secure registration and login method. The customers can login the store using their mobile number and password or can ask for OTP for login. With this login option, the admin can get the customers’ mobile details which can even be used for sending notifications. The customers can reset the password, login into customer account with the help of OTP verification. This PrestaShop Mobile Login extension is highly customizable and offers a hassle-free implementation.

1.1 Features of PrestaShop Mobile Login addon

  1. With the help of Knowband PrestaShop Mobile Login extension, the store admin can provide an option to register and login via mobile number verification.
  2. The e-merchant can display both the mobile and email fields on the registration page or only mobile number as a mandatory field.
  3. The PrestaShop Mobile Login addon allows the customers to register without sharing their email id.
  4. The PrestaShop Mobile Login plugin allows the online store owner to make mobile number verification compulsory for reducing fake customer account registration.
  5. For Prestashop compatibility, the store admin need to set a temporary email id format for the customers who register the account using their contact number only. In this case, an random email id will be generated automatically.
  6. The online customers can login the store using their contact number and password or OTP. The OTP will be sent to the customers on their registered mobile number.
  7. The e-merchant can mandate mobile number verification for account login.
  8. The PrestaShop Mobile Login plugin enables the e-merchant to send a message on new registration and change of order status.
  9. The number of SMS re-attempts shall be restricted from the admin interface of PrestaShop Mobile Login module.
  10. This PrestaShop Mobile Login extension is multilingual compatible.
  11. Login by mobile phone number module offers multi-store support also.
  12. Prestashop Mobile Login module is now compatible with the default one page checkout.
  13. By default, the PrestaShop Mobile Login addon supports three SMS service providers including Twillio, Prestasms, and SendinBlue.

2.0 Steps for Installation of PrestaShop Mobile Login addon

After purchasing the PrestaShop Mobile Login plugin from the store you’ll get these files:

1. A zipped file consists of the source code of this Prestashop mobile login addon.

2. User Manual

The store admin can follow these steps to install the PrestaShop Mobile Login plugin:

3. As a store admin, you can install the Prestashop mobile login/register module. You can find that in Store Admin -> Modules and Services. It would be shown as below –

Now you just need to click on the “Install” button to install this Prestashop mobile login plugin. A confirmation pop-up will be shown. Click on “Proceed with the installation” option. This step will install the Prestashop module and show notification – “Module(s) installed successfully”.

3.0 Admin Settings

After successful installation, the store admin can customize the Prestashop mobile login module easily from the admin interface. In the admin interface, the admin can view these menu settings:

The store admin can apply the settings according to requirements and authenticate the users as per the settings.

3.1 General Settings

The store admin can apply the general settings as shown below:

3.2 Registration Page Settings

The online store admin can apply the registration page settings from the admin interface of this PrestaShop Mobile Login extension. These are the steps to apply the changes to the registration page:

3.3 Login Page Settings

The online store admin can follow these steps for applying login page settings:

3.4 SMS Notification Settings

The store admin can follow these steps to implement SMS notification settings:

3.5 OTP Settings

3.6 SMS Gateway Settings

The SMS gateway setting will be done from the Prestashop developers according to the admin’s choice. By default, PrestaShop Mobile Login addon supports Twilio SMS gateway providers.

3.7 Mobile Detail Settings

The eCommerce store admin can apply the mobile detail settings as shown below. The e-merchant can send the message on changing of the order status.

The online store admin can also update the customer details from the admin interface. The store admin can click on the “customer” and edit the customer details easily.

4.0 Front-end interface

After applying all the settings, the store admin can view the effect of implementation on the front-end interface. The customers can register the website after mobile number verification as shown below:

The customers can log in the store using mobile contact number and password as shown below:

Customers can also select the option of “log in by OTP on your registered mobile number”. After clicking on the option, the customers will view this login form as shown below:

Customers can reset the password using the mobile number verification facility. They need to click on the “Reset your Password by OTP on your mobile number” for getting an OTP.

Thus the customers will get an option to login/register the account using their mobile contact number. The admin can verify the customer’s contact number by sending OTP. Customers can also update the contact number details from the website front end. The customers can click on the “Information” updating the contact number.

The store user needs to enter new contact number in the “mobile” field and click on the “send OTP” button. After that, the admin can enter the OTP and verify it.

After Mobile verification, the customers can save the settings.