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Prestashop Product Availability Check By Zipcode – User Manual

1.0 What is Product Availability Check By Zipcode?

As you know that after finding a suitable product, the customer wants to know the availability of the same in a particular region.

By this Prestashop Availability Check by Zipcode Addon, the customer can check the availability of the product in a particular location using its Zipcode. This Prestashop zipcode validator will ease the work of the customers to check the availability of the product in any particular area before placing an order.

2.0 Product Availability Check By Zipcode

2.1 Introduction

This Prestashop Zipcode addon has a functionality through which the customers can check the availability of the products in a particular region.

The Prestashop Zipcode validator addon provides lots of enticing features which are as follows:

2.2 Installation Manual:

Follow the following steps for installing the Product Availability Check By Zipcode addon:

Figure 1 .1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Install (Version 1.6.x.x)

Figure 1 .2- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Install (Version 1.7.x.x)

3.0 User Manual:

This User Manual will guide the the admin through the Module/Store Front settings of the Prestashop zipcode validator module and the various features of the Prestashop Product Availability Check By Zipcode Addon.

4.0 The Admin Interface:

After installation, when the the admin clicks on Configure, a screen will be displayed where he/she can configure general settings of this product zipcode validator module.

4.1 Configure Product Availability Check By Zipcode Setting:

Following are the steps to configure this Prestashop Zipcode module –

  1. Go to Modules and Services.
  2. Search module ‘Product Availability Check By Zipcode ’ .
  3. Click on ‘Configure’ button.



        Note: Enter CSS content excluding <style> — inner content– </style> Tags (only write inner content).

       Note: Enter JS content excluding <script> –inner content– </script> Tags (only write inner content).

4.2. Zipcode Availability Check:

After installing the product zipcode validator module, a separate menu (named “Zipcode Availability Check”) will be added at the end of menu listing as shown below.


Figure 3.1 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Menu Tabs(1.6.x.x)

Figure 3.2 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Menu Tabs(1.7.x.x)

In this tab of the Prestashop zipcode validator module, there will be 3 sub-tabs described below.

4.3. Global Zones:

This tab of the Prestashop Postal Code Validator Addon contains the list of zones that are created by the the admin by adding new zones from ‘Add new Zone’ button appears at the top right of the page. The admin can perform operations like searching the zone, view a zone, delete zones, edit zones and add a new zone in the image mentioned below.

Following are the steps-

  1. Hover on ‘Zipcode Availability Check ’ menu.
  2. Go to ‘Global Zones ’.

Figure 4 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Global Zone

The image below would be displayed when the admin searches any zone.

Figure 5 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Search Global Zone

4.3.1 Add New Global Zone:

In this field of the Prestashop zipcode addon admin can add a new Global Zone and the image mentioned below will display when the admin clicks on the ‘Add New‘ button.

Following are the steps –

  1. Hover on ‘Zipcode Availability Check’ menu.
  2. Go to ‘Global Zones’.
  3. Click on ‘Add new zone’.

Figure 6.- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Add New Zone


4.3.2. Edit Global Zone:

The admin can edit a particular Global Zone.

Figure 7.1 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Edit Button

Following are the steps to Edit Zone –

The image mentioned below will be displayed when the admin clicks on the ‘Edit‘ button.

Figure 7.2 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Edit Zone


4.3.3. Delete Global Zone:

The admin can delete a particular Global Zone.

Following are the steps to Delete Zone –

  1. Hover on ‘Zipcode Availability Check ’ menu.
  2. Go to ‘Global Zones ’.
  3. Click on ‘Delete ’.
  4. Click on ‘OK ’.

Note: If Admin delete a zone then all the zip-codes in that zone will also be deleted.

The image mentioned below will display when the admin clicks on the ‘Delete’ button.

Figure 8.1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Delete Zone

4.3.4. View Global Zone

This field of Prestashop Product Availability module lets the the admin view a particular Zone by clicking on ‘View ’. Each zone contains a list of zip-codes with their number of days of delivery and availability status. The admin can perform the search, edit and delete operations in this list of the product availability check Prestashop module.

Following are the steps to View Zone –

  1. Hover on ‘Zipcode Availability Check’ menu.
  2. Go to ‘Global Zones’.
  3. Click on ‘View’.

Figure 9 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Delete Zone Add new Zipcodes:

In this field of Prestashop Postal Code Validator Addon, the admin can add more zipcodes in a particular Zone by clicking on ‘Add new’ button to a particular zone.

Following are the steps to add new Zone –

  1. Hover on ‘Zipcode Availability Check’ menu.
  2. Go to ‘Global Zones’.
  3. Click on ‘View’ for a particular Zone.
  4. Click on ‘Add new’.

When ‘Upload CSV File’ option is Disabled:

Figure 10.1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Add new Zipcodes


When Upload CSV File option is enabled:

Figure 10.2 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Add New Zone


Figure 11 – Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Download Sample (Add New Zone) Edit Zip-codes:

This Prestashop Product Availability addon offers the admin to edit the particular zip code. This can be done just by clicking on ‘Edit’ option of that particular zip code. The image mentioned below will be displayed when the admin clicks on ‘Edit’ button of a particular zip-code from ‘View Global Zones’ page.

Figure 12- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Edit Zipcodes

Field: Delete Zipcode

This Prestashop Availability check by zipcode allows the admin to delete a particular Zipcode.

Figure 13- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Delete Button

The image mentioned below will be displayed when the admin clicks on the ‘Delete‘ button of the zipcode validator module.

Figure 13.2- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Delete Zipcodes

4.4. Product-Zone Mapping:

This tab of Prestashop Product Availability Check by Zipcode module contains the list of the zones which are mapped with some products. The admin can search, view, delete and can map (add) new Products with Zones.

The admin can view the products which are mapped to a particular zone by clicking on ‘View‘ button of the Prestashop Availability check by zipcode module.

Figure 14- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Product Zone Mapping

4.4.1 Add new Product-Zone Mapping

When the admin clicks on ‘Add New’ button of the ‘Product-Zone Mapping Tab‘ then the image mentioned below will be displayed.

When ‘Upload CSV File’ option is disabled:

Figure 15.1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Add New Product Zone Mapping



When Upload CSV File option is enabled

Figure 15.2- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Add New Product Zone Mapping


Figure 16- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Document Sample (Add New Product-Zone Mapping)

4.4.2 Delete Product-Zone Mapping

This field of zipcode validator module allows the admin to delete zone which is mapped with the products.

Figure 17.1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Delete Button

Following are the steps to Delete Zipcode-

  1. Hover on ‘Zipcode Availability Check’ menu.
  2. Go to ‘Product-Zone Mapping’.
  3. Click on ‘Delete’.
  4. Click on ‘OK’.

The image mentioned below will be displayed when the admin clicks on the ‘Delete’ button.

Figure 17.2- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Delete Product-Zone Mapping

4.4.3 View Product-Zone Mapping

When the admin clicks on the View Button of the Prestashop Availability check by zipcode plugin, then the list of products mapped with that selected zone will be displayed. The admin can search and delete any product.

Figure 18- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – View Product-Zone Mapping Delete Product

The admin can delete a particular product which is mapped to a zone.

Following are the steps to Delete Zipcode –

  1. Hover on ‘Zipcode Availability Check’ menu.
  2. Go to ‘Product-Zone Mapping’.
  3. Click on ‘View’ for a particular zone.
  4. Click on ‘Delete’ for a particular product.
  5. Click on ‘OK’.

The image mentioned below will be displayed when the admin clicks on the ‘Delete‘ button.

Figure 19- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Delete Product

4.5. Knowband All Zipcode Request:

Using this option the Admin can see the product availability requested under the specific Zipcode area.

5.0 Front End Interfaces:

If the Prestashop zipcode validator module is enabled, then the customer can check the availability of a product in a particular location by entering the Zip-code of the region. The customer will see a popup on the screen when he/she visits the website as displayed in the picture below:

On the frontend, the image mentioned below will be displayed.

Figure 19.1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Product Page(Version 1.6.x.x)

Figure 19.2- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Product Page(Version 1.7.x.x)

5.1 On Success:

If the product is available then the image mentioned below will be displayed.

Figure 20.1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Success Product Page(Version 1.6.x.x)

Figure 20.2- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Success Product Page(Version 1.7.x.x)

5.2 On Failure:

If the product is not available then the image mentioned below will be displayed.

Figure 21.1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Failure Product Page(Version 1.6.x.x)

Figure 21.2- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Failure Product Page(Version 1.7.x.x)

5.3 Invalid Value:

If the customer enters some invalid Zip-code values, then the image mentioned below will be displayed.

Figure 22.1- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Invalid value Product Page(Version 1.6.x.x)

Figure 22.2- Product Availability Check by Zipcode – Invalid Value Product Page(Version 1.7.x.x)

Find more details about this Prestashop Zipcode Validator Module below:

Prestashop Product Zipcode Validator Module Link:

Prestashop Product Postal Code Validator Module Admin Demo:

Prestashop Zipcode Addon Front Demo:

Prestashop Product Availability Check by Zipcode Addon Store Link:

Watch how this Prestashop Product Availability addon works below:

Also, explore more Prestashop addons for your Prestashop website.

Feel free to contact us at for any query or custom change request as per your business requirement.