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Prestashop Spin and Win(Email Subscription popup) Module – User Manual

1.0 Introduction to Prestashop Email subscription popup – Spin and Win

PrestaShop is a free, open-source eCommerce solution. Anyone can create his/her store using Prestashop with minimal effort. The admin needs no technical knowledge to set up the Prestashop store. Prestashop Email subscription popup by Knowband has replaced the old way of email subscriptions as the old-fashioned way of offering a 10% discount in exchange for email ids does not excite the visitors. We at Knowband have come up with a new way of engaging the customers with the website. Prestashop Spin and Win (Prestashop Email Subscription popup) addon display an interactive and responsive gamified interface in the front-end of the website.

New themes available: In 2020, there are 4 New Year themes available for the store admin.

Spin and Win addon is now compliant with the GDPR. GDPR settings are available in the module using which the Prestashop admin can comply with the rules of the GDPR. Please refer to the GDPR Settings to know more about the GDPR.

The overall functionality of Spin and win(a responsive email subscription pop up):

1. The customer visits the website.

2. Newsletter subscription pop up appears on the Prestashop storefront. (is usable as an entry or exit pop up)

3. The user enters the email Id.

4. Spin the spin and win pop up and get discounts

5. Email Ids entered are captured by the addon.

The responsive and interactive email subscription pop interface enhances the customer experience and compels them to visit your site again. The addonis usable as an exit-intent pop-up as well as email subscription pop-ups in the eCommerce sites.

What’s New?

1.1 Merchant Benefits of this Newsletter subscription popup addon:

By using this Exit popup cum Entry popup addon, the store owners can achieve the following things.

1.2 Features of Prestashop Spin and Win addon:

1. Responsive 3 in 1 pop-up: Is usable as an Entry pop up, Exit pop up, or Email Subscription pop up.

2. The admin can select from the multiple available wheel designs as well as spin and win themes to choose from.

3. The new version allows the admin to schedule a valid active and expiry date for a theme. After the expiry date, it will be set to the default one.

4. The interactive Spin and Win game lures customers and helps admin to engage more customers thereby increasing the customer base of the site.

5. The interactive Spin and Win game lures customers and helps admin to engage more customers thereby increasing the customer base of the site.

6. The back-end offers Readymade Email Templates which is further customizable.

7. The store admin can change the look and feel of the Prestashop exit pop-up as per the requirement. The admin can now apply the latest New Year 2020 themes as well on his website.

8. Prestashop Spin and Win (email subscription) pop up offers Mail Chimp, Klaviyo and, SendinBlue Integration.

9. Spin and win popup allows the admin to choose the number of slices in a wheel. There are 6, 8, and 12 sliced wheel options available.

10. Show the progress meter on the front end with a progress percentage. This will display with a label that the admin adds.

11. Prestashop Exit pop up allows admin to provide an option for customers to choose whether they want to provide their email id or not.

12. Set the discounts and offers on each slice and also set the gravity of each slice, the slice with maximum gravity will have larger occurrences.

13. Prestashop Newsletter subscription popup addon allows admin to customize the email subscription pop up using Custom CSS and JS without making any changes in the base code

14. Prestashop Entry popup addon allows admin to choose whom to display, where and when to display, maximum display frequency of the Spin and win (email subscription) pop up.

15. Prestashop Newsletter subscription popup offers wheel sound options which adds a sound when the Spin wheel rotates, it gives a more lively feeling of the Spin and Wins game.

16. Prestashop Exit intent popup addon offers an option to show fireworks on the Spin and Win popup when a customer wins a discount to make the win of the customer more exciting and fun.

17. Prestashop Newsletter popup offers an Email Recheck option on the cart as well. Just to make sure if the customer who is applying the coupon is the same who played the Spin and Win game.

18. Prestashop Exit popup addon allows admin to choose the pages to display the pop up i.e, Category page, Home page, Product page, etc.

19. Email Recheck option to Restrict the same Email Id from availing the discount coupon more than once.

20. Prestashop Newsletter subscription popup addon offers to Pull Out Tab facility for customers as spinning the wheel is not compulsory for visitors.

21. Prestashop Newsletter popup addon allows Prestashop admin to preview the Email subscription popup and the Spin wheel at the admin panel itself.

22.  Prestashop Email Subscription popup addon offers a Responsive and Interactive user-friendly interface that ensures a high impact on direct sales. Turn Visitors into potential buyers and improve conversion rates by offering users a completely different way to win discounts.

23. Prestashop Spin and win is compliant with the GDPR, GDPR settings are available in the Spin and Win admin panel. Using these settings admin can comply with the rules of GDPR.

24. Prestashop Spin and Win module offers Detailed Reporting

25. Extremely easy-to-use intuitive back-end interface.

26. Support multiple languages.

27. Prestashop Spin and Win are Compatible with all themes.

28. Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet responsive design

29. Prestashop Spin and Win popup module allow the admin to control the compatibility of Spin and Win coupon with other site coupons. If this feature disables, then the coupon generated from Spin and Win will not work with the other active coupons. They can also set a coupon expiry date as well.

30. Admin can generate a fixed coupon code for each slice of the Spin Wheel. They can also fix the minimum cart value customers should have to generate the discount coupon.

31. This interactive spin and win popup offer a direct coupon generation functionality that allows the customers to generate a spin win coupon without filling any user name fields.

32. Prestashop email subscription popup allows admin to select one or more customer groups which include: visitor, guest, the customer.

33. Admin can set the visibility of Spin and Win popup on the specified number of page visits. If 0 is entered then this functionality will disable and the user will see the spin wheel popup as they enter the site.

34. Prestashop Interactive popup addon allows the store owners to test the module before implementing it on the store.

2.0 Installation of Spin and Win – Responsive Email Subscription pop up

Once you purchase the addon, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Store Admin -> Modules and Services.

2.  Click on “ Upload a module”. You can drag or drop the file or can simply select the file from the system.

Once the file is completely uploaded, a notification of “Module(s) installed successfully” will display.

3.0 Admin Interface – Spin and Win – Entry, Exit, and Email subscription pop up

Once the installation is complete, the next steps include configuring the addon. Click on the ‘Configure’ button just next to Prestashop Spin and Win Addon.

The Prestashop admin panel of the addon offers various customization options to the Prestashop store owners. The new version has two default setting options separately for General settings and Theme scheduling.

3.1 How to start the configuration process?

On clicking configure from the module listing page, Prestashop Admin will be redirected to the configuration page. The very first tab in the main menu includes “General Setting” as shown below:-

Listed below are some of the customization options that can help the admin make the initial changes in their Spin and Win (email subscription) Addon.

1. Enable/Disable:-The admin can enable or disable the addon using this setting.

2. Enable/Disable Test Mode:- The store admin can enable the test mode and enter their IP Address to test the module before implementing it in the store

3. Show Pull-out Tab:- The visitors of the website can remove the spin and win pop up by clicking on the ‘I’m not feeling lucky link as shown in the image below.

By enabling this setting, the store owner can provide the option to pull the spin and win spin and win pop up back on the screen by the user.

The customer can click on the gift icon on the left side as highlighted in the image above to pull out the email subscription pop up spin and win pop back.

4. Email Redundancy Check:- This provides an option on the Prestashop store to verify the email id of the customer to ensure that there is no repetition of email ids. In case, the customers are only allowed to use coupon code ones. The customers cannot use the single email id twice. This can be done by enabling the Email Recheck option as shown in the image below.

In case the same email id is entered again, a message will be shown as below.

5. Enable Wheel Sound: Prestashop store admin can enable wheel sound. Further, the wheel will generate a tapping sound when he enables this option.

6. Show Fireworks: Prestashop Newsletter subscription popup addon offers an option for admin to show fireworks on the email subscription popup when a customer wins a discount. Admin can enable this setting to make the win of the customer more special and exciting.

7. Show Customer Name: Prestashop admin can now ask for the Customer name before a customer plays the Spin and Win game.

8. Require Customer Name: Prestashop admin has an option to make the Customer name field mandatory or optional.

9. Allow Email Recheck on Cart: This option will check whether the customer who has applied the coupon on the cart is the same who has played the Spin and Win the game.

10. Spin and win pop up Display Interval:- Prestashop store admin can enter the number of days after which the Spin and win pop up(email subscription pop up) will display to the customer.

11. Generate Fix Coupon Code: Admin can enable/disable this option to add fix coupon code respective to each wheel slice under the Slice Settings tab of the module. For this, the admin has to first create the coupon code from the Price Rules -> Cart Rules tab then enter the coupon code by editing a particular slice.

12. Allow Direct Coupon Generation: If the admin enables this setting, then the customer can directly generate the coupon by clicking the Spin the Wheel button. If he disables it, then the customer has to fill in the required information to play the game.

13. Provide an option to customers to choose to generate a coupon with or without email ID: With Prestashop Spin and win, the admin can allow users to generate a coupon without entering their email ID.


14. Compatible with other cart rules: Admin can control the compatibility of spin and win coupon code with other active coupons on site. If the admin disables this setting, then the coupon generated from Spin and Win will not work with other site coupons.

15. Enable Theme Scheduling: If the admin enables this, he can now schedule a theme according to the occasion, and once the validity of the theme gets over, it will be set to the default theme.

16. Show Progress Meter: With this new feature of Exit pop up, the admin can show a progress meter on the front end. 

17. Progress Percentage: Prestashop spin and win module allow admin to insert a value for displaying the progress percentage i.e. the value for offers claimed.

18. Progress label: In this tab, the admin can add a text which will display below the progress meter like ‘75% Offers Claimed, Hurry Up!!’.

19. Custom CSS and Custom JS:- The admin can even change the look and feel of the addon as per their need by entering the custom CSS and custom JS code in this section.

Save the changes that you have made in the configuration setting.

3.2 How to change the Display Settings?

This option enables you to change the setting of the display of this email subscription Spin and win pop up. It includes the following setting options.

1. Minimum Number of pages visit to show wheel: Admin can set the minimum count of site pages while should be visited to show the spin wheel to customers. If the admin enters 0, then the functionality disables.

2. Customer Groups: Admin can select one or more groups to which the spin and win popup will display. Use the CTRL key to select multiple options.

3. Minimum Screen Size: The drop-down list offers a few screen sizes for the admin to choose from.

4. Maximum Display frequency: The admin can select the frequency of the spin and win pop up email subscription pop up display here. Select one option from the multiple choices offered in the drop-down list.

5. Hide After:  The admin can select the time interval in seconds after which he wants to hide the spin and win pop up and win pop up.


6. Set Fix Time: You can enable or disable the fixed time from here.

7. Where to Display: You can select the pages where you want to display the spin and win pop up. Admin can select Product page, category, Home page to display this interactive and responsive email subscription pop up.

8. Who to Show: You can select the visitors to whom you want to show the spin and win pop up. You may select ‘All Visitors’, ‘Registered Visitors’, or ‘Guest Visitors’.

9. When to Display: You may choose exactly when you want the spin and win pop up to display. You can either display it immediately when the customer lands on your site or after some time or when the visitor scrolls down or you can use it as an exit intent pop up.

10. Geo Location: You can even select the display option as per the Geolocation of the visitor.

3.3 How can the look and feel of the addon be changed?

The Look and Feel Setting in the Prestashop admin panel allows you to change the look of the spin and win pop up as it appears on the website.

1. Theme: Prestashop admin can see the preview of the Prestashop Newsletter popup in the admin panel itself before making it live. There are multiple themes to choose from. Admin can choose as per the occasions like New Year and Christmas. The PrestaShop admin can now apply the latest New Year 2020 themes on his website. There are 4 eye-catching New Year 2020 themes to choose from.

2. Wheel Design: Prestashop store admin can change the Design of the spin wheel. Prestashop admin can also see the preview of the Spin wheel in the admin panel itself.

3. Wheel Color: Prestashop admin can select the color of the Wheel using this option. The spin wheel is customizable in endless ways and the admin can even match it with the Prestashop store theme.

4. Font Family: Prestashop email subscription popup allows Prestashop admin to choose the Font suitable on the Newsletter subscription popup.

5. Wheel Background and Font color: Background color and Fonts on the Spin Wheel are customizable using these options.

6. Text Color and Button Background color: The Text color and the Button background color on the Email subscription popup is customizable using these options.

7. Display Image: You can enable or disable the Display Image by selecting the Yes or No button.

You can change the logo that displays with the spin and win pop up. The image of the logo to display can be selected from the device by clicking on the Add File button as shown in the image below.

The changes made here will be reflected on your website.

The spin and win pop up shown on the website includes the ‘Try Your Luck’ button. You can change the color of the button by changing the setting of ‘Button Background Color’.

Even the font of ‘I’m not feeling lucky’ can be changed as shown in the image below.

The entire changes made by you will be reflected on the front end as shown in the image below.

At last, the admin panel even provides an option to remove the background image if he wants to by clicking on the Remove Background Image Button.

3.4 How can the look and feel of the Spin and win pop up be changed?

The admin can change the look and feel of the spin and win pop up by changing the Look and Feel Settings configuration in the ‘Wheel Setting’ option.

3.5 How can Prestashop admin change the Text on the Email Subscription pop up?

Prestashop admin can change the text on the Email Subscription pop up using the Text settings. Admin can customize the text in any language.

3.6 Can admin change the setting of the different slices of the Spin and win pop up?

Yes, even the settings and the text or offers available in the different slices of the spin and win pop up can be changed from the ‘Slice Setting’ option.

As you click on the setting, you will get an option to select the number of slices to show on the front end and the list of the various slices will be shown.

Select Number of Slices: With the Updated version of the spin and win module now admin can select out of six, eight, or twelve slices for the front end.

Each slice can be configured by clicking on the Edit button.

As you click on the Edit button, a pop up will appear where Prestashop store admin can set the Coupon Type (Which can be Fixed or in Percentage or gift or free shipping ), Label, Coupon Value, Coupon expiry in days, minimum amount, Gravity and fix coupon code. Save the changes and the same will be reflected in the spin and win pop up shown on your website.

3.7 How is the email customized?

Prestashop spin and win addon offer Mail Chimp, Klaviyo and, SendinBlue integration. The email Id entered in the email subscription popup is automatic with the store owner’s Mail Chimp, Klaviyo and, SendinBlue account. The emails captured are usable for personalized promotions.

3.8 How can I change the email settings?

The ‘Email Setting’ option allows the admin to customize the email templates that are sent to the customers.

Coupon Display Options: It allows the admin to choose the places where he wants to display the coupon. Namely ‘Only on Wheel’, ‘Email Only’, ‘Email & Wheel’.

Email subject: Set the subject of the email in this tab.

The Email Templates: In the next tab sellers can choose the templates from the available templates.

Email content: In this tab, the store owner can customize the email body at his convenience.

3.9 GDPR Settings

GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation is a new act that will be enforced from 25 May 2018. It is mandatory for all the companies which are handling the personal data of EU citizens. GDPR offers various rights to the customers (mentioned below) which helps them to keep their data safe and secure.

1. The right to be informed

2. The right of access

3. The right to rectification

4. The right to erasure

5. The right to restrict processing

6. The right to data portability

7. The right to object

8. Rights concerning automated decision making and profiling

GDPR settings will help the Prestashop store admin to comply with these rules. Please refer to the attached screenshot in which we have highlighted the GDPR Settings tab.

a) Enable GDPR: Enable or disable the GDPR options using this option. There are the following options in the GDPR settings tab for the merchants to make the popup module compliant with the GDPR. The GDPR settings will remain unavailable by default and as per the business need, the store admin needs to enable it.

b) Compatibility with Prestashop GDPR: Admin has the option to enable/disable this feature. If you are using the official GDPR module then you must need to enable this setting. The main purpose of this feature is to export and delete user data on the PrestaShop GDPR module request. It is also compatible with Prestashop GDPR Module developed by Knowband.

c) Delete user data from MailChimp/Klaviyo/SendinBlue on delete request: As the Spin and Win pop-up addon syncs the captured email ids to the MailChimp/Klaviyo/SendinBlue email service providers (third-party service providers, so if this setting is on and you use the services of any one of these email service provider then on the data deletion request the subscriber details will get deleted automatically).

d) Privacy Text: The module will add a checkbox to the pop-up design with the privacy text; this text will be visible to the front-end user at the time of entering the email id in the email box.

e) Page URL to Link the Text: Admin can add the link to “Privacy Policy” or any other page with this message.

f) Enable Advanced Feature: This option allows the store admin to add more checkboxes to the pop-up design for marketing permission or any other permission like age verification (age should be 16+).

If the admin enables the Advance Feature setting, then he will be able to access the additional checkbox setting option. As per requirement, the admin can add multiple checkboxes.

g) Service Settings: All the additional checkboxes that the admin adds will be listed under the Service Settings. Admin can add multiple checkboxes with ease.

How to add a new checkbox:

1. Click on the (+) sign to add a new checkbox.

Note: By default one service will be listed on the service list and the admin can update the text for the service.

2. On clicking the + sign will open a pop-up and admin need to enter the details like – Service Label, Make service mandatory and Enable Service.

Cookie Details:

As the Spin and Win module uses the Cookies so the description and the use of these cookies have been listed in the section so that the admin can put these details on the Cookie Policy or Privacy Policy page.

Record of consent:

As soon as the user opt-in for the promotion and spin and the wheel to get the discount coupon code. The Spin and Win Pop-up module keeps the proof of the opt-in, as it is needful for the lawful processing of the captured data. As the unique coupon code is generated each time so the Statistics tab of the Spin and Win GDPR Compliant Module also records the permissions of the users. Please refer to the attached screenshot.

On clicking the view button admin can check the permission of the user.

After enabling the GDPR Settings the Spin and Win pop-up design will look like this –

3.10 How is the statistical report of the Spin and win pop up generated?

Yes, the Prestashop admin has complete access to the statistical report of the visitors who spin the wheel and claim the coupon generated by the same. The report is generated in both graphical and tabular format.

(New Feature) Export Email List: Now Prestashop Exit Pop Up allows the store admin to export the list of email subscribers by clicking the Export Email Button on the Statistics Setting Page.


4.0 Theme Scheduling

Theme Scheduling is the new feature in Prestashop Spin and Win email subscription module. This feature allows the admin to select the validity date and expiry date for a particular theme. Prestashop Store owner can now set a schedule for displaying a specific theme on a particular occasion and this will automatically change to the default theme on the theme deactivation date.


Add New Theme Schedule: Prestashop store admin can add a new theme schedule by clicking the ‘Add New Theme Schedule’ button.

For this, you can select the theme type and change the look and feel of the wheel. (refer 3.3  Look and Feel Setting)

The new feature in Theme Scheduling

Active: With Prestashop spin and win module admin can activate or deactivate a new theme schedule by a toggle button.

Theme Activation date and time: If the new theme is activated, the store admin will have to enter the date and time for the activation of a particular theme.

Theme Deactivation date and time: The activated theme will be deactivated on the date and time entered in this tab. This allows the admin to apply a theme for the Spin and Win module for a fixed time and the store admin can plan this way before the special day.


Disclaimer: In case the “Spin and Win” wheel popup does not display at the front, kindly clear the cache or delete the cookies. Sometimes cookies prevent the popup from displaying at the front.

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