Shipping Timer - Prestashop Addons
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Shipping Timer - Prestashop Addons

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  • $49.99
  • $39.99

Compatibility: Prestashop v1.6.x.x - v8.1.x
Latest Version: v2.0.0 (17-Sep-2023)
Sales: 1000+


Knowband Prestashop Shipping Timer Addon

The instant delivery and the alluring discounts are two of things that every online shopper look for. The expectation of the customers to get the order as early as possible is on the rise. The offer to ship the product on the same day can actually lure the visitors to place the order and convert to be a customer.

While compelling the store visitors to complete the transaction is quite a difficult task, the Prestashop Shipping Timer can ease out the work for the eCommerce store owners. The Prestashop module creates a sense of urgency in the minds of the visitors to place the order. The timer displays the time limit within which the product will be delivered on the same day. The option of quick delivery makes sure that the store visitors are able to take their purchase decision as early as possible. The shipping timer module can be set to the product or category as per the requirement of the admin. The store owner can even select the country, supplier, manufacturer or a particular product in which they want to set the timer.


The list of the salient features offered by the Prestashop Shipping Timer extension is mentioned below:

  • This Prestashop module can be enabled or disabled from the back end of the web admin panel by just toggling the button.
  • The Prestashop shipping timer addon will be by default enabled on the all the products, for all the countries, suppliers, manufacturer or categories. However, the admin can even specify it’s functionality as per the need.
  • In case the Enable Countries Check is disabled in the General Setting, then, this functionality will be enabled for all the countries. If the admin wants to enable for any particular country, then, he’ll have to enable the button. The country can be then selected in the Country Tab.
  • Same goes for the suppliers and manufacturers. By default the Enable Suppliers Check and Enable Manufacturer Check will be disabled in the admin panel. This means that the timer will be displayed for all the suppliers and manufacturers. In order to select any particular, the admin will have to enable this functionality. Then, he can manually select the names for which he wants to display the shipping timer.
  • The admin can even enable this feature for all the categories present in the web store or he can select the particular ones as per his wish by enabling the Enable Categories Check.
  • The product tab showcases the list of the products that are available in the inventory of the site. The store owners even get an option to manually select the products in which he wants to display the shipping timer.
  • The countdown start and end timer will work on 24 hour (hh:mm) format. The admin can enter the start and the end time. The timer will, then, be displayed accordingly on the product pages.
  • Not just this, the Prestashop one-day shipping countdown addon even allows the store visitors to select the days when they want to display the timer. The module offers the multiple selection options.
  • In addition to this, this Prestashop shipping timer module provides a Vacation Date option. The days when the store admin does not want to provide the one-day shipping option can be entered in this field. The date format is dd-mm-yyyy.
  • The shipping timer can be customized as per the need of the admin. The banner that is being displayed with the timer can be changed by selecting the image from the local drive.
  • The admin can even display a warning notifying the customers about the shipping timing constraints. The warning message can be enabled/disabled or customized in a few simple steps.
  • Any order placed that avails this facility can be traced in the Order Tab. The tab lists out the various orders received by the website.

Merchant benefits

  • The Prestashop addon provides compelling reasons to the customers to complete the transaction. The one-day shipping timer creates a sense of urgency and reduces the procrastination of online shoppers.
  • The fully customizable module can help the merchants select the product, manufacturer, supplier or category of this functionality.
  • By aiding the purchase intention of the online visitors, the addon ensures better chances of conversions.
  • The timer displayed on the website keeps the online visitors informed about the shipping offer.
  • The merchant can select the days when they are looking to provide this offer. The vacation days can be entered easily from the back end.

       Customer benefits.

  • The one-day shipping is one of the most wanted features that the online shoppers look forward to. The module displays the products or categories on which the website is offering this discount. They can make their purchase decision accordingly.
  • It reduces the task of customers of comparing the shipping time of the same product on the different websites.
  • The timer keeps them informed about the time when the offer is expiring. The order can be placed accordingly.

Knowband, a leading name as an eCommerce development company provides Prestashop plugin development services to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce stores. For providing Prestashop plugin development, we have hired experienced Prestashop developers who work with full dedication to offer Prestashop development and support services. 

If there is a feature you want on your Prestashop store, chances are that a Prestashop plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you can always contact us for your custom plugin development requirements.

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