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Online competition grows day by day different store owner offers the various types of features to its visitors. Wishlist is among one of the very important features of eCommerce websites through this extremely useful feature is not utilized by many E-commerce website owners. Knowband offers the Prestashop advanced wishlist addon that allows online shoppers to add products to their wishlist can be a great way to increase sales. A wishlist helps visitors to simply keep track of the products in which they are interested but are not going to buy right now. They may come back to your site later and quickly refer the wishlist rather than browsing products here and there. So, if the only purpose of your eCommerce website is to increase sales, you need to have a wishlist functionality on your site.
The importance of a wishlist to an online business
The Wishlist feature plays an important role in conducting business online. It is beneficial for both customers as well as admin. With the help of the Wishlist functionality, the customer can easily save the desired product. Sometimes the user is not able to buy the product because of not getting the exact color, price or size. At that time, he/she can use the wishlist functionality and purchase the desired products in the future. So Wishlist is not only important for your online business it also increases sales from your eCommerce website.
Let me discuss the benefits of the Prestashop Wishlist Addon feature:
1. Boost the eCommerce sale: The Prestashop wishlist addon helps the store admin to boost the eCommerce store. The Customer adds more product to their shopping cart when they visit the store. It can boost site sales.
2. Retain Leads: Wishlist can motivate the Customer to signup for an account who wouldn't have otherwise. The Admin can show the recommended product to the store customer
3. Re-Price your products to increase sale: In order to encourage user engagement and conversion sales, Prestashop Save For Later gives store admin the flexibility to view the demanded product in their according to demand thy changes in the price structure of products to attract more customers. It will be beneficial in multiple ways- to increase sales rate, to increase brand awareness, increases user engagement and to retain customers.
4. Sale items: This Prestashop wishlist addon is also applicable to items that go on sale. For example, Myntra informs its site users or customer when customer wishlist products are featured at lower prices. This is an excellent method for re-engaging customers who exhibited both interest and hesitation to purchase.
5. Out of stock products: The Prestashop save for later addon is also help the admin to analyze the customers based on the products added in their wishlist. The admin can inform the customer save product is back in stock alternatively (you can use Prestashop back in a stock addon for enabling the back in stock feature to your store).
Features of Prestashop Advanced Wishlist Addon:
Wishlist Feature: The Prestashop advanced wishlist module allows the customer to save the shortlisted product to their wishlist in the intention of the future purchase.
Allows customer to maintain a private wishlist: Prestashop Save For Later addon gives Guest as well as Registered customers the option to create their own wishlists and save products in it for future reference. Save the unlimited number of the product to their wishlist.
Functionality to view “Save product list” of any customer: The Prestashop wishlist extension gives store owners an opportunity to completely view the list of products saved by the customers in their wishlist.
Success Message Language: The eCommerce merchant can change the language as per the need from the back-end of the Prestashop favorite wishlist addon.
Enable/Disable Save for Later Button: With the help of Prestashop wishlist addon by Knowband, Prestashop store owner can enable/disable the save for later button.
Display Block: The Prestashop save for later addon offers an option the online retailers to displays the status bar at the bottom of every page which contains three different blocks as ‘My Shortlist’, ‘Recently Viewed’ and ‘Recommendations’. The Recently Viewed and Recommendations can be customized the admin form the admin panel.
Show Popular Product: Prestashop Wishlist addon allows the store admin to set the popular product banners for the recommendation block and to choose the products to be shown in that block.
Product Analysis: Prestashop advanced wishlist addon enables the store seller to analyze the product, which product is most demanded or most popular. The Prestashop store admin can view the category/product analysis reports in the form of a graph.
Customer Analysis: Prestashop favorite product list addon allows the eCommerce retailer to analyze the customer lists with the number of the shortlisted product.
Order Analysis: The Prestashop wishlist addon offers the Order listing tab. In this tab, the store vendor can view the number of products that are ordered after being shortlisted by the customer.
Mobile Responsive: Prestashop Save of later addon that supercharges your website and gives you a lot more than just a mobile responsive design. It is an ideal Prestashop wishlist extension for all mobile users who are looking for unique user experience.
Compatible with all Themes: The Prestashop advanced wishlist allows cross-platform access as well as it is packed with a responsive user interface.
Easily Customizable: The Prestashop wishlist addon easy to customize. The Admin can change the text, layout or title of your page by customizing the overall look of the shopping cart page.
View Sales Report Analysis: Prestashop Save For Later module allows the store admin to obtain more sales information and track transaction details in various ways.
Other Features of the Prestashop Wishlist Addon:
Customer Benefits:
Knowband, a leading name as an eCommerce development company provides Prestashop plugin development services to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce stores. For providing Prestashop plugin development, we have hired experienced Prestashop developers who work with full dedication to offer Prestashop development and support services.
If there is a feature you want on your Prestashop store, chances are that a Prestashop plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you can always contact us for your custom plugin development requirements.
1. How customer can delete their wishlist with this Prestashop Advanced Wishlist module?
The customer can go to the Wish list
tab from the My Account section and can remove or delete products from the
list. Removing all the products will ultimately delete the list.
2. How many wish lists can the customer create using this addon?
With Knowband’s Prestashop Advanced Wishlist addon, the customer can create only 1 wish list in which he can add as many products as he wants.
3. How admin can create a wish list on behalf of the customers from the admin panel?
The admin can’t create a wish
list on behalf of the customer with the addon.
4. How customer can add his wish list products to the shopping cart or buy products directly from the list?
The customer can view the wish list and can add a product to the shopping cart from the wish list. He can either buy the product or remove the product from the list with Knowband’s Prestashop Wishlist addon.
5. Can the guest customers also create a wish list with this Prestashop Save For Later module?
Yes, the addon allows the registered
customers as well as guest customers to add products into the wish list which
they can buy it later.
6. Can customers share their created wish lists with their friends and families with this addon?
Knowband’s Prestashop Save For Later addon, the customers can share their wish lists on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp with their friends and families. You need to enable the Social Sharing feature from the back office to allow customers to share their wish lists on these social media networks.
Please refer to the section "Social Sharing" in the user manual for more details.